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Ok, I finally upgraded from my Baed3b FBAxxx PR version to the Fbaxxx Pro 8/2/05 build.


I also downloaded some new kof's (10th anniversary, 2004ex 'n such)


Almost everything seems to work fine this try. There's no music in FBA menu, but whatever.


I can't seem to get a game or 2 to work on this version though.


Samurai Showdown 5, It worked with the PR version, doesn't work now. I really want this game.


I found a site with a whole bunch of separate zips for NeoGeo games (including Samsho5 and Samsho5 special). I downloaded all the zips for each one.


now I'm left with this:


Samurai Showdown V:


# 270-s1b.zip

# samsh5nd_c-p-s_patches.zip

# samsh5nd_c_fixes_kawaksdev.zip

# samsh5nd_c_patches.zip

# samsh5nd_dual_c_patches.zip

# samsh5nd_nonwatermarked_c_patches.zip

# samsho5-c3_1bff0d0e_to_838f0260.zip

# samsho5-c3_260afd84_to_8c1ba0b6.zip

# samsho5-c3_82db9dae-c4_f8041153-c5_2219186a-c7_d245d493.zip

# samsho5-c3_82db9dae_to_8c1ba0b6.zip

# samsho5-c3_838f0260_to_1bff0d0e.zip

# samsho5-c3_8c1ba0b6_to_260afd84.zip

# samsho5-c3d_8c1ba0b6_to_82db9dae.zip

# samsho5-c4_f8041153_to_12726c00.zip

# samsho5-c4d_12726c00_to_f8041153.zip

# samsho5-c5_2219186a_to_5636760f.zip

# samsho5-c6d_a33c04df_to_a993bdcf.zip

# samsho5-c6d_a993bdcf_to_44cc8f59.zip

# samsho5-c7_751937de_to_d245d493.zip

# samsho5-c7_d245d493_to_751937de.zip

# samsho5-c8_c13281aa_to_02c530a6.zip

# samsho5-m1_18114fb1_to_c8a0b514.zip

# samsho5-m1_18114fb1_to_cedebd3c.zip

# samsho5-p1-p2_611a6687_to_270-p1_4a2a09e6__270-p2_e0c74c85.zip

# samsho5-p1-p2_to_p1d_4f8f86bd__p2d_91979dee.zip

# samsho5-p1_611a6687_to_3999c243.zip

# samsho5-p1_611a6687_to_3a2d88cb.zip

# samsho5-p1_611a6687_to_4f8f86bd.zip

# samsho5-p1_611a6687_to_5a01f939.zip

# samsho5-p1_611a6687_to_8a86c728.zip

# samsho5-p1_611a6687_to_91979dee.zip

# samsho5-p1_611a6687_to_b8eb2238.zip

# samsho5-p1_611a6687_to_e67f3ee2.zip

# samsho5-p1_611a6687_to_fe6f92e0.zip

# samsho5-p1_8a86c728_to_15f3334f.zip

# samsho5-p1_8a86c728_to_611a6687.zip

# samsho5-p1_9833bfb5_to_3a2d88cb.zip

# samsho5-p1_9833bfb5_to_4f8f86bd.zip

# samsho5-p1_fe6f92e0_to_0afe5db8.zip

# samsho5-p1p2_611a6687_to_p1-24e468f2_p2-91979dee.zip

# samsho5-p1p2_611a6687_to_p1-4a2a09e6_p2-e0c74c85.zip

# samsho5-p2_e0c74c85_to_91979dee.zip

# samsho5-s1_2ad6048b_to_ac4866af.zip

# samsho5-s1_33227d62_to_2ad6048b.zip

# samsho5-v1_7541763a_to_62e434eb.zip

# samsho5-v1d_e5c71699_to_809c7617.zip

# samsho5-v2_4e6e7d98_to_180f3c9a.zip

# samsho5-v2d_70b7083d_to_42671607.zip

# samsho5_2vd_to_2ve.zip

# samsho5_c_fixes_20040123.cab

# samsho5_c_fixes_20040313.cab

# samsho5_c_fixes_20041012.zip

# samsho5_c_patches.zip

# samsho5_c_patches_revert.zip

# samsho5_cd_to_ce.zip

# samsho5_nonwatermarked_c_patches.zip

# samsho5_nonwatermarked_c_patches_1.zip

# samsho5_nonwatermarked_c_patches_2.zip

# samsho5_p_patches.zip

# samsho5_to_samsh5bl_v_patch.zip

# samsho5_v1d_809c7617_v2d_42671607__v1_62e434eb_v2_180f3c9a_patch1.zip

# samsho5_v1d_809c7617_v2d_42671607__v1_62e434eb_v2_180f3c9a_patch2.zip

# samsho5_v_fixes.zip

# samsho5_v_patches.zip

# samsho5b-s1b_2ad6048b_to_70f667d0.zip

# samsho5b_p1b_5023067f__p2b_b6cbe386_patch.zip

# samsho5bl_c_fixes.zip

# samsho5h-p1_4a2a09e6_to_bf956089.zip

# samsho5h-p1c-p2c_to_p1cd_88e477cc__p2cd_f01e62aa.zip

# samsho5h-p2_e0c74c85_to_943a6b1d.zip






Samurai Showdown V Special:


# samsh5sp-512ks1_c297f973_to_a0e2cd02.zip

# samsh5sp-512ks1_c297f973_to_ae6f980b.zip

# samsh5sp-m1_222-m1_7615bc1b_to_adeebf40.zip

# samsh5sp-m1_270-m1_43a05a7d_to_adeebf40.zip

# samsh5sp-m1_adeebf40_to_b5abda07.zip

# samsh5sp-m1_adeebf40_to_e5eadc1e.zip

# samsh5sp-m1_b5abda07_to_3ca75c37.zip

# samsh5sp-m1d_3ca75c37_to_dba2077e.zip

# samsh5sp-m1d_b5abda07_to_3ca75c37.zip

# samsh5sp-p1-p2_to_p1n_3e3961f5.zip

# samsh5sp-p1-p2_to_p1n_d190102f__p2n_da770f06.zip

# samsh5sp-p1_3e3961f5_to_a4adfd3c.zip

# samsh5sp-p1_3e3961f5_to_a4adfd3c_1.zip

# samsh5sp-p1_3e3961f5_to_ef5cd275.zip

# samsh5sp-p1_3e3961f5_to_p1_5dc1cd0e__p1_5cfe801c.zip

# samsh5sp-p1_3e3961f5_to_p1_9291794d_p2_fa1a7dd8_patch1.zip

# samsh5sp-p1_3e3961f5_to_p1_9291794d_p2_fa1a7dd8_patch2.zip

# samsh5sp-p1_3e3961f5_to_p1d_d190102f__p2d_da770f06.zip

# samsh5sp-p1_bank_error_patch.zip

# samsh5sp-p1_d190102f_to_a4adfd3c.zip

# samsh5sp-p1a_3e3961f5_to_182cfd12.zip

# samsh5sp-s1_222-s1_8d3d3Bf9_to_c297f973.zip

# samsh5sp-s1_c297f973_to_6f2601eb.zip

# samsh5sp-s1_c297f973_to_7be87c30.zip

# samsh5sp-s1_c297f973_to_fc0896cf.zip

# samsh5sp-v1-v2_to_v1d-v2d.zip

# samsh5sp-v2_4ba507f1_to_b5eecc99v.zip

# samsh5sp-v3d_3f0f7554_to_9aa45090v.zip

# samsh5sp_2vd_to_2ve.zip

# samsh5sp_4vd_to_2vd.zip

# samsh5sp_cd_to_ce.zip

# samsh5sp_p1_3e3961f5_to_p1d_4cc4bcae_p2d_7114a210.zip

# samsh5sp_v1-v2_to_v1d_ae5a592d.zip

# samsh5sp_vconv_patch1(1).zip

# samsh5sp_vconv_patch1.zip

# samsh5sp_vconv_patch2(1).zip

# samsh5sp_vconv_patch2.zip








SNK vs Capcom Chaos:


# 269-m1d.zip

# Parches_svc.rar

# Ssvbl-s1d.zip

# ssvbl_C_Patch.zip

# svc-269p-p1(4D4036A8)&p2(0EAFCEFA)#2.rar

# svc-512ks1_3334ac31_to_772b18dc.zip

# svc-512ks1_3334ac31_to_ad184232.zip

# svc-512ks1_aaef740c_to_65d6cfd8.zip

# svc-512ks1_aaef740c_to_bfe59536.zip

# svc-c7_56ac5fb9_to_c0bb4245.zip

# svc-c7d_56ac5fb9_to_4d08e0a3.zip

# svc-c8_de99e613_to_43f4a538.zip

# svc-c8d_de99e613_to_d5899852.zip

# svc-m1_4e81642e_to_dcc67f10.zip

# svc-m1_5bd2d3ad_to_9af84708.zip

# svc-m1_7f01dac5_to_ab78f9e3.zip

# svc-m1_7f01dac5_to_dcc67f10.zip

# svc-m1_804328c3_to_9af84708.zip

# svc-m1_9af84708_to_21293972.zip

# svc-m1_9af84708_to_4e81642e.zip

# svc-m1_9af84708_to_6f392dc4.zip

# svc-m1_9af84708_to_7f01dac5.zip

# svc-m1_9af84708_to_ab78f9e3.zip

# svc-m1_9af84708_to_cc843c19.zip

# svc-m1_9af84708_to_dcc67f10.zip

# svc-m1_9af84708_to_dcc67f10_ancien.zip

# svc-m1_dcc67f10_to_7ccf5f65.zip

# svc-m1_dcc67f10_to_804328c3.zip

# svc-m1_fd4f0ff9_to_7d337756.zip

# svc-m1_fd4f0ff9_to_fd602218.zip

# svc-m1d_dcc67f10_to_fd4f0ff9.zip

# svc-p1_0348f162_to_b34f3669.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_283f2f08.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_2c3217a6.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_36dc51e4.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_417103f5.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_46828b7f.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_55aab0ae.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_5e6b7874.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_6ff8b788.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_706c1dfc.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_74e78ea7.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_755bb976.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_8ae0710d.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_8eef7f1f.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_93855c0b(1).zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_93855c0b.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_ab053d97.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_cf4f2251.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_d005c51e.zip

# svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_p1a_336f219f__p2a_e5a6589e.zip

# svc-p1_2a2516de_to_8ae0710d.zip

# svc-p1_2c3217a6_to_1cc8fb7a.zip

# svc-p1_2c3217a6_to_5d738f9a.zip

# svc-p1_397e7f8e_to_5d738f9a.zip

# svc-p1_4b26a8fc_to_1cc8fb7a.zip

# svc-p1_4b26a8fc_to_93855c0b.zip

# svc-p1_7bdc4420_to_8ae0710d.zip

# svc-p1_7bdc4420_to_93855c0b.zip

# svc-p1_8eef7f1f_to_1cc8fb7a.zip

# svc-p1_93855c0b_to_2c3217a6.zip

# svc-p1_9cfe4edd_to_1cc8fb7a.zip

# svc-p1_bd3a87cc_to_1cc8fb7a.zip

# svc-p1_e5794acc_to_1cc8fb7a.zip

# svc-s1_aaef740c_to_057f06d0.zip

# svc-s1_aaef740c_to_3334ac31.zip

# svc-s1_aaef740c_to_bc670454.zip

# svc-s1_aaef740c_to_eebf1c73.zip

# svc-s1_aaef740c_to_f2eb82cc.zip

# svc-s1_bc670454_to_3334ac31.zip

# svc-s1_bc670454_to_aaef740c.zip

# svc-v1b-v2b_to_v1d-v2d.zip

# svc-v1d_a81da99a_to_ff64cd56.zip

# svc-v1d_dab37bef_to_ff64cd56.zip

# svc-v2d_7b3e9487_to_a8dd6446.zip

# svc_c7_c8_dual_patch.zip

# svc_ce_to_cd.zip

# svcboot-m1_fd4f0ff9_to_804328c3.zip

# svcboot-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_0348f162.zip

# svcboot-s1_aaef740c_to_70b44df1.zip

# svcboot_c_kawaksdev.zip

# svcboot_to_svcnd_v_patch_kawaksdev.zip

# svcboot_v_patches.zip

# svcboot_vb_a464714c_to_4v_kawaksdev.zip

# svcboot_vb_a464714c_to_v1-v2-v3-v4_kawaksdev.zip

# svcboota.part1.zip

# svcboota.part2.zip

# svcchaos-c1-c2_fixes.zip

# svcchaos-c1-c2_patch.zip

# svcchaos-m1_9af84708_to_fd4f0ff9.zip

# svcchaos-m1_fd4f0ff9_to_f6819d00.zip

# svcchaos_2vd_to_2ve.zip

# svcchaos_v1d-v2d_to_v1-v2.zip

# svcchaos_v1d_a81da99a_v2d_a8dd6446_kawaksdev(1).zip

# svcchaos_v1d_a81da99a_v2d_a8dd6446_kawaksdev.zip

# svchaosa_c_patches.zip

# svchaosa_p1_432cfdfc__p2_1dc87d57_to_p1_38e2005e__p2_6d13797c.zip

# svchaosa_p1_432cfdfc_to_p1a_38e2005e__p2a_6d13797c.zip

# svcnd-p1_93855c0b_to_32b964b0.zip

# svcnd-p1_93855c0b_to_96ca07fb.zip

# svcnd_8mb_c_to_32mb_c.zip

# svcnd_p1b_93855c0b_to_p1n_c56087c2__p2n_2d32879b.zip

# svcnd_to_svcboot_c_kawaksdev.zip

# svcnd_to_svcboot_v_patch_kawaksdev.zip

# svcplus-512ks1_3334ac31_to_dc210576.zip

# svcplus-512ks1_aaef740c_to_06125f98.zip

# svcplus-m1_dcc67f10_to_4e81642e.zip

# svcplus-p1_93855c0b_to_293219d0.zip

# svcplus-s1_aaef740c_to_73344711.zip

# svcplus_kawaksdev_patch.zip

# svcplusa-s1_73344711_to_ca3c735e.zip

# svcplusa-s1_aaef740c_to_ca3c735e.zip

# svcplusa-s1_bc670454_to_ca3c735e.zip

# svcplusa_kawaksdev(1).zip

# svcplusa_kawaksdev.zip

# svcplusa_p1_1cc8fb7a_to_p1_4d4036a8__p2_0eafcefa.zip

# svcplusa_p2_kawaksdev.zip

# svcsplus-512ks1_3334ac31_to_4bb1a271.zip

# svcsplus-512ks1_4bb1a271_to_a792fdba.zip

# svcsplus-p1d_1cc8fb7a_to_1d0f0212.zip

# svcsplus-s1_73344711_to_233d6439.zip

# svcsplus-s1_aaef740c_to_1fd08655.zip

# svcsplus-s1_aaef740c_to_233d6439.zip

# svcsplus_p1_1cc8fb7a_to_p1_8ff918d4__p2_76d9c8a5.zip

# svcsplus_p1_1d0f0212_to_p1_8ff918d4__p2_76d9c8a5.zip






Alright now, How in the world do I get these to the way they should be to work again on FBAxxx Pro?


Please, someone out there guide me through this.



Thanx in advance. :punk:


Use the DATs included with the patch to find out the CRCs of the ROMs you have and the ones you're missing. Then from your lists download whichever patches turn your ROMs into the ones you need.


Alrighty, I'm gonna try that, have no idea what I'm doing though.


I opened the dat before with notepad 'n checked some stuff out, this is crazy though.


Anyhow, lemme get on it.


P.S. Once I get all the files, do I just zip them back into 1 zip?


LMAO :punk:


Ok, I'm not afraid to admit when I'm in over my head. I just tried to do what you said. It's a little too deep for me to jump into at my level of knowledge on this at the moment. Too many random patches and they don't all say what they do.


Guess I just gotta either go back to the Baed3b PR version and try to add the KOF 10th and '04, if they'll work. And for the fixes and stuff on FBA I'll have to wait for someone to remake a new altered version with games like Samsho V special 'n whatnot. This is just too complex for me.


Thanx though +T+. Good lookin' out man.


You're not supposed to open the DATs with notepad. Go to www.romcenter.com and download Romcenter then load the FBA-XXX Pro Romcenter DAT with it. Now if you drag your ROM folder into Romcenter it will show you the state of your ROMsets including exactly what you have and exactly what you're missing.


Ok, I got Romcenter.


I go to "file" - "open data file manager" - "add..." - and add the FBAxxx Pro Romcenter.dat to it.


Then I drag my roms folder into the games database section. And all the games show up with errors on roms.


When I try fixing any of them, it comes up with "No Fix done !" immediately.


I'm lost on this one.

Ok, I got Romcenter.


I go to "file" - "open data file manager" - "add..." - and add the FBAxxx Pro  Romcenter.dat to it.


Then I drag my roms folder into the games database section. And all the games show up with errors on roms.


When I try fixing any of them, it comes up with "No Fix done !" immediately.


I'm lost on this one.


I'm having this exact same issue. I'm fairly new to this stuff, and even though I've read the docs and have a reasonably good idea what romcenter is supposed to be doing with the FBAXXX pro DAT, it doesn't seem to be doing it. Fix doesn't seem to want to actually fix anything.


The BAED3b disc, copied to my Xbox HDD, works great by itself - but I tried upgrading to FBAXXX 8-26, then I tried applying 'Patch 2' to make it act as an 8-02 Pro build. After I installed it on my Xbox and copied my roms over, I discovered that it doesn't like some of the very same roms it previously played without incident.


I'm watching this thread with baited breath.


To be honest, I didn't really read any docs on it. I should, I'm just a lazy bastard. But, I was trying to walk through the process in a common-sense-ish style, and I figured that the way I went about it was what +T+ was saying to do. Though, every game has an "Access violation" under info. And I have no idea of how to go about actually FIXING the problem.


I'm not even gonna try to get Samurai Showdown 5 special and the others put together with all those crazy zips and patches I have. If I'm having this much trouble with Romcenter to begin with, it doesn't even make sense. I'm in way over my head on this isshhhh.



I'm having this exact same issue. I'm fairly new to this stuff, and even though I've read the docs and have a reasonably good idea what romcenter is supposed to be doing with the FBAXXX pro DAT, it doesn't seem to be doing it. Fix doesn't seem to want to actually fix anything.


The BAED3b disc, copied to my Xbox HDD, works great by itself - but I tried upgrading to FBAXXX 8-26, then I tried applying 'Patch 2' to make it act as an 8-02 Pro build. After I installed it on my Xbox and copied my roms over, I discovered that it doesn't like some of the very same roms it previously played without incident.


I'm watching this thread with baited breath.


The reason it doesn't like the same roms are because the BAED3b disc had an altered version of FBAxxx. PRican edited it to play those roms. The newer builds are different, PR's version was just based on the original and augmented. I wish PRican would Fix up a new version.


That'd be the SHIIITT! :punk:

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