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FCEUXD SP has been upgraded to v1.04


Release of FCEUXD SP 1.04

First the important stuff:


- New: Better error handling

- New: Invalid lines in NL files are now shown to the user instead of being silently ignored. This gives the user the opportunity to fix erroneous lines.

- New: Good news for other developers, all C files added by me are now fully documented.

- Change: Array indices in disassembly windows are now hexadecimal values.

- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occured when loading the bookmark description of hex bookmarks from disk

- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occured when using arrays and long comments in symbolic debugging

- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occured when reading NL files


Now my comment about this release:

This release was mainly a release that's supposed to be the basis for future bugfixing releases. Most of the new stuff I added is of no concern to actual users of the emu. In this release the code was cleaned up and error handling was significantly improved. That means I should be able to find bugs way quicker from now on. At least in theory. Let's hope I'm right here.


I also have a real build script now! Well, OK, it's just a BAT file but that means I probably won't forget to include the readme.txt file in future releases.



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Credits: Official Site

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