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ScumMVM 0.3 released!


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ScummVM DS

A port of ScummVM to the Nintendo DS handheld console

04/09/05 - ScumMVM DS v0.3 released!


Thanks to Zhevon for contributing the Sam & Max cursor code. Changes in this version:


* Full GBA Movie Player support, including save/load. This means full talkie games are playable!

* Rewritten blit operations in assembler, causing a speed increase.

* Fixed crashes in Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

* Added Indiana Jones fight mode. Use the options menu to enable it.

* Fixes SRAM clear keypress sometimes not being detected

* Prevented temporary saves from being saved to SRAM on flash cart version.

* Added alternative controls for Sam and Max. Cursor is displayed on the top screen, and D-pad right switches modes.


»» Official Site


Credits: Official Site

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