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I downloaded Castlevania SOTN, and got 4 files, a.cue,.img,.ccd and.sub


How do i burn this so i can play it on my PSX?


I'm using Nero to burn.


any suggestions???


You are going to need these softs first. :evil:

Credits: http://www.dcemulation.com


CDI To Nero 09b3 DAO (34.1kb) - This allows your to convert your disk juggler images directly into nero format. Therefore helping people who have problems with Disc Juggler.


Bin To Self Boot (47.9kb) - This will convert BIN files into self booting Disc Juggler images for your ease of making self boots.


Bin To Iso (30.5kb) - This converts those nasty bin files that do not seam to burn with anything to iso format. Helpfull when cdrecord.exe does not work when you want it to.


Disc Juggler 3.x - You must visit the website for this one. This Disc Juggler is required to burn quake 1 As well as DreamSNES and maybe others.


none of those really applied to me because i didn't have a cdi or a bin file.


i burned it ussing the cue just like normal.

it did burn the game but when i went to play it, the screen just scrolling through nonstop right from the begining.


any other suggestions?


The game is probabally just defective then. I recommend searching in the EF Hub or in Rom Sector when you have enough posts. :evil:



Then it must be a game from an other country


check to see if i ts ntsc or PAL


ntsc is NA

PAL is Europe


u can get a converter or a patch to fix this


However a converter requires a mod chip


of course i have a mod chip, why else would i be burning it to cd to play on my PSX.....



anyways thanks for all the advice guys, but i'll probably just try to find another version of it

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