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Testing of Dsemu 0.4.7



Test Results - changes from 0.4.6 will have (*) after them.

tests with (**) are new demos





2d-emu : runs, red cherries missing

2dexample_arm9a : works, red cherries missing, screens are swapped

4sprites : top screen white, bottom screen flashes various colours, both have some random graphics. The bottom screen is split in 2

4tiles : works; screens are swapped

armwrestler : works - all tests passed

balltest : black screen

battleship : no touchscreen

birds_arm9 : screens are swapped, only thing visible is the score

birslip : black screen

bug : runs; spaceship is invisible

calc_arm9 : runs, no touchscreen, no keyboard display

carre : after opening screen it says Niveau 1 and stops

cassebrique : Only thing visible is the playfield borders

cube_emu : black screen

davr1 / davr3 : back to normal

davr2 : crashes the emu

dc_flash : crashes the emu

draw-arm9 : white screen

drops_arm9 : top screen blue, bottom screen black, no touchscreen

dskonga : the intro screen flashes past before you can read it; the main screen is graphically correct; cannot see the movement in the top screen; no touchscreen

dsmode4dc : text appears on bottom screen, no graphics

dsmode4ep : text appears on bottom screen, top screen is blue, no graphics

dspaint, dspaint_r4 : No touchscreen

dspaint2 : graphics corruptions, nothing further

duckhunt : opening screen appears then nothing happens

earth : runs; no ship, no enemies, no bullets

first1 : works

follarium : starts up, screens are swapped, no touchscreen

footjonglage : runs; soccerball is missing

frogger : black screen

hello_paint : starts, no touchscreen

hello_world : works

joats_template : bottom screen cycles through shades of blue

mcommand : crashes emu

mines_arm9 : black screen

mines_arm9a : top screen is black, bottom screen is blue with the words TOUCH TO START in black. No touchscreen.

mode3pac, mode6 : black screen

musk : runs; ship, enemies and bullets are missing

nibbles10, oil_panic : black screen

pandaforth : top screen black, bottom screen white

pongDS : runs;ball is square instead of round; score is missing; the ball vanishes near the right-hand side

rotshape, ship_emu : black screen

sman : runs; screens fade in and out (correct); sprite corrupt and vanish near right-hand side

smantouch : runs; sprites missing

smeal_arm9, snakes : black screen

sponge_arm9 : top screen blue, bottom screen partially red and some random red pixels

taupesDS : intro screen then stops

tetris-1p : works

tetris-2p : WORKS! with X and Y keys (*)

texture_emu : black screen

tile02 : debug area missing, no touchscreen

tri_emu : black screen

under_pressure : runs; no touchscreen/ pressure pad; text is missing




birds : runs; only thing visible is the score

breakout : runs; very corrupt graphics on top screen; bottom screen is white

carre : emu crashes after a while

colors : blue and red colors on bottom screen, top screen is black(**)

drugwars, earth4b, earth7 : black screen

earth10 : black screen(**)

electroplankton : black screen

ext_palette1 : runs;the unscramble option must be ON;possible graphical errors(*) X and Y work!

ext_palette2, famicon_wars : black screen

fearog3d : emu crashes after a while

follarium : runs, screen are swapped

framebuffer_demo1 : a little red box moves across the TOP screen

ganbare : black screen

gorilla : runs until game starts, then cant get to play? It's hard to test at 2fps; perhaps someone can help me with it(*)

gridchallenge : black screen(**)

gridlockDS, guru_guru : black screen

hello_world : emu crashes after a while

homebrew2 : black screen

iro : runs (i think); graphics corrupt

jwpoolDS : top screen is black; bottom screen has some corrupt graphics

magic_lines, meteos, metroids, mixed_cubes : black screen

nds_wins : works

nds_wins1 : WORKS

ndsmemo : says START UP followed by DEBUG MODE MENU then no response. Not sure what this should do??(**)

neoflash : logo is there (wrong screen), but moving 3d object is missing

nibbles : no snake, no cherry

nibbles11, oilpanic : black screen

omalone : extremely corrupt graphics

pingpong : top screen blue, bottom screen black

polarium : emu crashes

sgolfDS (stupid golf 0.2) : starts up then freezes

shootds : runs; target is missing; touchscreen is registering on the debug display

smb : black screen

sound_demo : small cyan cube on left side of TOP screen which can be moved around

space_invaders : runs; screens are swapped; unscramble option must be ON - works!(*)

sphere : black screen

sponge : runs, corrupt graphics.

sram_demo1 : WORKS(**)

sprite, submarine, super_mario_64, table_hockey : black screen

tetris10 : runs; text missing, X and Y keys working!(*)

tetris11 : black screen

tetris12 : works

texture : black screen

tqueen : WORKS

tqueen1 : intro shows then no touchscreen(**)

transformer : opening screen then freezes

trauma_center, tromino : black screen

viewer : emu crashes

work_brain : black screen

xrickds (Rick Dangerous) : crashes emu(**)

yasfcave : works; screens swapped; no touchscreen

yatsydos : unscramble must be ON - works!(*)

zelda : black screen





1. After opening something, Open GBA greyed out. Have to restart emu to fix.

2. Close greyed out. You can open 2 or 3 demos, one after the other, the next causes a crash.

3. Several demos still have the screens swapped around.

4. The touchscreen does not work on any BIN file; works on most NDS files.

5. The X/Y key modification works perfectly

6. The "unscramble" option works perfectly.

7. In the Configuration screen, the new unscramble option has a typo (cosole), and isn't lined up with the options above.


Now for some GBA testing in my next post.


GBA testing. About half produced a black or white screen. Those that did something else are listed below.




armwrestler : works

copperbars : works

fight_demo : works

fill1 : works

fire : this should show a fire, but now produces promotional text??

fontdisp : works

ht : works

maddness : stops at opening screen

maze : flickers badly; can't move forward

mode03d : works

mode3 : works

mortalKonsole : works; some sprites missing on the selection screens

oamtest (the swizzlesticks test) : works

roto : works; text unreadable on opening screen

rotzoomer : works

sg_bump : works

subbyplace : works

swizzle : works

tunnel : works

xmasshift : intro screen then freezes




1942 : starts ok and then gets scrambled and emu freezes

1942a : intro screen followed by blackness

afire : works

airzonk : some corrupt graphics followed by no response

another_world : this "sorta" works, some weird things happening...

asteroids, yahtzee : intro followed by blackness

atomix : after intro the graphics are completely messed up (this once worked)

blast-arena : shows intro screen then no response

blocktrap : shows intro screen then no response

cards : corrupt something

chip-advance : intro screen all perfect, after START get white screen

console : some rows of dashes

copper : works

cutecube : some flickering dots (definately no cube)

daleks : works

gbacaster : works; too slow to be playable

hazuki : starts ok then screen turns to mush (this worked once)

hergsol : intro screen about half done then freezes

impact : game starts then freezes (this also used to work)

lgtron : works

lode_runner (by zapf bandit) : after pressing start get white screen followed by graphics problems

m5bump : works

mario : starts then crashes emu

mode5 : works

nexus : intro screen then no response

pf, pfdemo : starts then no response

pfmbv2_mb, pfxboo_mb, raster : crashes emu

rockford : intro screen then no response

santa_escapes_presents : intro screens then no response

skiing : works

sotb : works but beset by some graphical corruptions

sushi : get a picture of high-rise apartments and no response

tank : runs... sprites all flicker madly

tetrisCA, Vothello : starts then gets an error about an empty interrupt.

thingpong : bats and ball missing

walk3d : works

wsdemo6 : intro screen then no response

wstein : works, flickers madly





A few programs work, most have some sort of problem.

Some that never worked before are now fixed, while some others have been broken. I haven't listed the demos that only produced a black screen.



Over 4 hours testing all that stuff!


4 Hours, wow that's a lot of time. Many thanks for the test results It's much appreciated. It's good to see some progress being made with more demo's working and hopefully the next release will have even more.

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