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But no games run!DSEmu 0.0.1a is tthe only Version that emulates something.On the german board www.emuforum.de are many others who have the same problem.

And Doublec:In the information is written that DSEmu 0.47 is 0.46.You should correct it. :wink:


Have you seen the list that Robbbert posted of the games he tested? A few there run. Which games does 0.0.1a run that 0.4.7 doesn't? What information has 0.46 written in stead of 0.4.7? I looked at www.emuforum.de but it seems to be down.


Dualis or IDeaS might be a better choice for you.


I wanted to play the games from the screenshots from Doublecs site.But there is not one game that runs.

The games from robbberts test,doesnt run,too.


My System is Windows ME.

The roms that runs on 0.0.1a are the test roms which are in package with 0.0.1a.

I hope you can help me,doublec. ;)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't DSemu 0.0.1a created by Imran Nazar? The very first version, that was never able to play anything?


Cloud Strife14, if that is indeed your DSemu version, download the latest version from Chris' website and try playing the games.

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