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WWE Unforgiven Results September 18, 2005

Posted by Andy Steven on 09/18/2005 at 09:02 PM


Thanks to PowerWrestling.com:


WWE Unforgiven opened up with a video package highlighting John Cena and Kurt Angle’s rivalry over the WWE Championship. The fireworks then went off in the arena for the start of the show as Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler and the Coach welcomed us to Unforgiven.


Intercontinental Championship Match

Referee: Michael Chioda

Ric Flair vs. Carlito ©


The music of Ric Flair hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring for his shot at the Intercontinental Title against Carlito. Flair has never held this title in the whole of his illustrious career.


The start:


Flair and Carlito went to lock up, but Flair backed off and did the strut. They locked up and Flair took Carlito down with a side headlock. They locked up again and Flair nailed another side headlock takedown but Carlito reversed into a head scissors but Flair nipped out. Flair worked the arm of Carlito with a hammerlock but Carlito grabbed the ropes. Carlito now gets a side headlock and knocked Flair down with a shoulder block, and then mocked the Nature Boy.


Mid-match notes:


Flair worked the arm of Carlito and backed him to the corner but Carlito nailed him with an elbow and then a right hand to knock Flair down. Flair came back with a huge chop to take Carlito off his feet and he bailed to the outside. Back inside, and Carlito backed Flair to the corner and then nailed some right hands and kicks. Carlito then walked into a thumb to the eye and Flair took over with chops and right hands. Carlito came back with a clothesline out of the corner to knock Flair down and then went for some mounted punches but Flair nailed an inverted atomic drop and then another chop to take Carlito off his feet. Flair went for the figure four but Carlito kicked him to the outside.


Carlito followed out and rammed Flair shoulder first into the ring post. Carlito then whipped Flair into the ring steps and rolled back inside to break the count. Carlito tossed Flair back inside and covered for two. Carlito stomped away at Flair and then worked the arm and shoulder. Flair fought back with some chops but Carlito pulled him down by the hair and then went to work with mounted right hands on the canvas. Carlito nailed more right hands and elbows in the corner and hit a back body drop before covering for two. Carlito nailed an arm bar takedown for two and then locked in another arm hold.


The Finish:


Carlito went to take Flair down, but Flair held onto the ropes and came back with hard chops. Flair took Carlito down with a back elbow and then a big knee drop. Flair continued with the chops and then Flair went up top. Carlito went to toss him down, but Flair blocked and actually hit a move from the top as he took Carlito down with a clothesline! The crowd popped as Flair went up again and jumped off, but Carlito nailed a mid air dropkick for a near fall. Carlito went to the outside and grabbed his apple and got back inside. Carlito took a bite but Flair nailed him with a right and Carlito started to choke on the apple! Flair locked in the figure four in the middle of the ring and Carlito tapped!


Winner and new Intercontinental Champion, Ric Flair


The Aftermath:


Flair got on the mic and said it is a great honor for this stage in his career to win this prestigious Intercontinental Championship, his first one. He said tonight, this is as sweet to the Nature Boy as any of those 16 World Titles. Flair kissed the belt and said he only regret is that his best friend and greatest wrestler alive, Triple H, is not here to share the moment. Flair said that he is going to break down tonight and take it to Oklahoma City, all night long! Flair invited some girls over the barricade. Carlito is shown storming to the back as Flair pulls more girls over the barricade. Woo!




Lita and Edge are in the back, and she talked about Hardy used to call her and she used to tell him how much she loved him, and then she’d call Matt and he’d have to roll over and answer his phone. She said as soon as Edge hung up, she showed him all the attention that Matt was missing from her. Edge said all Hardy will have left are memories after tonight. Lita said she wants to make Edge happy, and then they made out.


Referee: Chris Kay

Torrie Wilson and Victoria vs. Trish Stratus and Ashley


The music of Torrie Wilson hit in the arena as she made her way out with Candice Michelle and Victoria, and they are set for tag action against Ashley and the Women’s Champion, Trish Stratus.


The start:


Victoria and Trish kicked things off with a lock up and Victoria took her down and then bridged back stretching the neck of Trish. Trish hit a headscissors out of the corner and then mounted Trish with right hands. Trish nailed Torrie on the apron but Torrie avoided it. Trish hit some chops and right hands on Victoria in the corner and then tagged in Ashley.


Mid-match notes:


Ashley nailed a clothesline on Victoria and then a dropkick to the head, which stunk. Torrie got in the ring and tossed Ashley out and then Candice choked her with her dress. Victoria choked Ashley with her foot and then locked in a rear naked choke as the fans got behind Ashley. Torrie tagged in and kicked Ashley in the mid section and them stomped away at her. Victoria got the tag and then hit a knee to the face of Ashley.


Victoria locked in a front face lock and Ashley backed to her corner and made the tag but Torrie got inside to distract the referee and he didn’t allow the tag. Victoria then nailed a snap suplex and pulled her to the corner before going up top but Ashley crotched her and then made the tag. Trish hit the headscissors off the top and then hit some forearm shots. Torrie was knocked off the apron but Victoria attacked Trish from behind and went for a spinning side slam but Trish reversed into a headscissors.


The Finish:


Trish nailed a double clothesline on both and then a spinebuster on Victoria and made the cover but Candice distracted the referee. Trish pulled her in and then Ashley sent her head first into the apron. Trish then nailed a headlock/headscissors takedown on Victoria and Torrie, and then hit the Chick Kick on Victoria for the win.


Winners - Trish Stratus and Ashley




Ric Flair is shown celebrating backstage with the girls, and he has champagne. They get into a limo and then he pulls one back, and then kisses one of them and slaps her ass before she gets in. Flair then pulls out some Viagra, and takes a few, and then looks inside and counts the girls, and then decides to take a few more!


In the arena:


Lilian Garcia introduces ZZ Top, and they are front row ringside tonight.


Referee: Chad Patton

The Big Show vs. Snitsky


The music of the Big Show hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring for this one on one contest with Snitsky. Show went over to ZZ Top and greeted them before getting back in the ring.


The start:


Snitsky and Show went right at it and Show nailed a huge beale out of the corner. Show chopped Snitsky hard in the corner and then hit some big headbutts. Snitsky came back with right hands but Show took him down and then choked him with his boot. Snitsky bailed to the outside but Show followed him out and nailed him from behind. Show tossed Snitsky back inside and sent him to the corner, and silenced the crowd before chopping the hell out of him.


Mid-match notes:


Snitsky rolled to the outside and Show followed out. Show shoved Snitsky into the ring post and then went to nail a right hand but Snitsky moved and Show nailed the post. Snitsky then pulled Show into the post and tossed him back inside and locked in an arm hold. Show powered out and Snitsky hammered away at him. Show went for the chokeslam but Snitsky reversed but Show shoved him to the corner and charged in but Snitsky avoided it and then nailed a back suplex for two!


The Finish:


Show tried to fight back with chops and then Snitsky nailed him with a big boot for two before going back to the arm lock to work the shoulder. Show shoved him off and then nailed a spinebuster and both men are down. Show nipped himself up on the ropes and hit some clotheslines and headbutts, and then a shoulder block. Show called for the chokeslam and nailed it for the win.


Winner - The Big Show


The Aftermath:


Show got out of the ring, and then paused. He walked over and asked for the ring bell. Show got back in the ring with the bell and then nailed Snitsky hard in the head with it, getting revenge for what Snitsky did to him a few weeks ago on RAW. Show then paused again and grabbed the bell again, and then stood over Snitsky and nailed him in the back of the head with it.




The limo is shown backstage, and you can hear woo’s from it, and steam is coming out of it!




Shawn Michaels is shown preparing for his match with Chris Masters tonight.


Referee: Jack Doan

Kerwin White vs. Shelton Benjamin


The music of Kerwin White hit in the arena as he made his way down in his golf cart for this next match with former Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin.


The start:


Shelton slid to the outside and pulled Kerwin off the apron and nailed some right hands. Shelton tossed Kerwin inside and pulled off his sweater. Benjamin nailed a back elbow and then a knee to the gut. Shelton scored with a scoop slam and then a sliding clothesline. Kerwin came back with a dropkick to the knee but then Benjamin nailed a big flapjack for two.


Mid-match notes:


Shelton missed a splash in the corner and then Kerwin hit a chop block and worked the knee. White nailed some uppercut shots and then continued to work the knee. Benjamin rolled White up but White reversed and locked in a stretch muffler and we went to our Spanish commentators. Kerwin nailed a spinning tilt a whirl to take Shelton down for two. Kerwin hit a monkey flip in the corner and Benjamin landed on his feet, but his knee was bothering him. Benjamin nailed a Samoan drop but Kerwin came back with a stomp to the knee. The two traded right hands with Benjamin coming out on top and then hitting a clothesline. Benjamin hit a modified backbreaker for a two count and then hit a high back body drop. Benjamin hit a back suplex and then limped to the top rope but Kerwin cut him off.


The Finish:


Kerwin went for a superplex from the top and nailed it and covered for a two count. Kerwin nailed a drop toe hold and then locked in a half Boston crab. Benjamin crawled towards the ropes but Kerwin pulled him back to the middle of the ring. Benjamin rolled through and then catapulted White into the top turnbuckle. Kerwin grabbed his golf club from the corner and went to nail Benjamin, but Benjamin caught him in the T-Bone for the win!


Winner - Shelton Benjamin


The Aftermath:


Shelton picked up the golf club but decided against using it on Kerwin White.




Matt Hardy is backstage with Todd Grisham. Hardy said that Lita is a biatch. He said he gave Lita everything and she betrays him in return. He said it got him fired from his dream job. Hardy said the only thing he cares about is making sure Edge doesn’t walk from the steel cage tonight.


Steel Cage Match

Referee: Chad Patton

Matt Hardy vs. Edge


The music of Edge hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring with Lita in tow for this Steel Cage Match with Matt Hardy.


The start:


Hardy and Edge stared each other down and then locked up. Hardy and Edge hammered each other with right hands and Hardy went to toss Edge into the cage but Edge blocked. Edge went to do the same but Hardy blocked and then Hardy nailed a big right hand, and then another. Edge jumped up in the corner but Hardy grabbed him and pulled him back in. Hardy hit some headbutts knocking Edge off the top rope and then dived off with a double axe handle. Edge tried to crawl to the door but Hardy pulled him back. Edge nailed a back suplex but Hardy has a side headlock locked in and kept it in place.


Mid-match notes:


Edge came back with right hands and then stomped him in the head before ascending the cage. Hardy pulled him down and hotshotted him on the rope and covered for two. Hardy sent Edge to the corner and nailed some more right hands and then a back elbow. Hardy went to the middle rope and hit a flying clothesline and then called for the Twist of Fate but Edge pushed him off face first into the cage for two. Edge started to climb the cage and reached the top and Hardy climbed up there too. Hardy pulled Edge back inside and then went for the Side Effect off the top rope but Edge blocked and rammed Hardy’s head into the cage. Hardy dropped down and Edge nailed a missile dropkick to the back of the head.


Edge hit some elbows to the back of the head and then nailed a back suplex, and then another one. Edge mocked Hardy with the V1 symbol and nailed some more right hands. Edge scored with an elbow drop and then kicked Hardy square in the head in the corner, and Hardy’s eyes glazed over. Edge hit a DDT and covered for two. Edge hammered away with right hands and then powerbombed Hardy into the cage. Edge nailed another one, this time into the turnbuckles before unloading with right hands to the back of the head. Edge kicked Hardy in the head and Hardy seems to be out of it. Edge perched Hardy on the top rope but Hardy elbowed him down but then Edge got under him and went for a powerbomb from the top and nailed it!


Hardy bit Edge’s fingers but Edge came back with right hands and hit some mounted punches in the corner, but Hardy then dropped him head first on the turnbuckles. Edge went for the Spear, but Hardy sidestepped and hit the turnbuckles and then Hardy hit the Side Effect but Edge kicked up at two! Edge went for the door and was half out but Hardy dived and grabbed him by the leg. Lita handed Edge the briefcase and he went to nail Hardy but Hardy ducked and unloaded with right hands and forearms, and then tied him up in the ropes! Hardy went nuts and then catapulted Edge into the cage and then hit a bulldog onto the briefcase! Hardy tossed Edge into the side of the cage repeatedly and then Lita tried to climb into the cage, but Hardy knocked her off.


Edge is busted open and Hardy scored with more right hands and stomps in the corner. Edge’s face is a crimson mask and Hardy continues to kick Edge square in the head and there is a pool of blood on the mat. Hardy grabbed the briefcase and started to climb the cage, but Edge shoved the referee into the ropes and Hardy crashed and burned down to the mat, and then nailed a Spear! Edge started to climb in the corner, and the crowd is red hot right now. Hardy climbed up with Edge, and then hit the Side Effect from the top rope! Lita grabbed a chair on the outside, and tried to get in the cage, but the referee grabbed the chair on the outside. Lita got in the cage and Hardy cornered her. Hardy was distracted with Lita and Edge almost made it out the door.


The Finish:


Lita went to hit Matt with the briefcase but Hardy caught her with it and then nailed the Twist of Fate! Edge exploded out of nowhere with the Spear, and then made the cover, but Hardy kicked out! Edge started to climb up in the corner and Hardy rammed him head first into the cage and Edge fell backwards. Hardy climbed to the top of the cage, and he has this thing won! Matt looked back, and then looked into the crowd, and then came off the top of the cage with the leg drop!!!! HOLY crap! Hardy draped an arm over and wins!


Winner - Matt Hardy




John Cena is shown backstage getting his ankle taped up. Bischoff comes in and says he should save some tape for when the match is over. Bischoff said he has been waiting for this for a long time, and Angle will finish the job he started last week. He said it’s like he said to him last week, Cena can’t win with him here, hell, he can’t even survive. Cena stared at him and then got some tape from the trainer and put it over Bischoff’s mouth and then left, with Bischoff enraged.


In the arena:


A bloody Edge is shown crawling up the aisle way with referees trying to help him.


World Tag Team Championship Match

Referee: Michael Chioda

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch vs. The Hurricane and Rosey ©


Comments were shown from earlier today. Cade said in their very first match on RAW, they beat the champions, and the only difference tonight is that they will take the titles. Cade said to shine the titles up real nice, because they are coming home with them.


The start:


Cade and Hurricane kicked things off and Cade went to work with forearm shots to the back. Cade went for an elbow but Hurricane moved and hit some right hands and then did the wassupwitdat bit. Murdoch came in and Rosey nailed him and then Hurricane hit a huricanrana to send him to the outside. Cade took over on Hurricane inside and then tagged in Murdoch who nailed some right hands but then walked into an elbow in the corner, and then a dropkick for two.


Mid-match notes:


Rosey tagged in and they hit a double team move on Murdoch. Rosey was distracted by Cade and then Murdoch hit a headbutt, but he hurt himself. Rosey hit a splash in the corner and then covered for two when Cade broke the count. Cade tagged in and hit a knee to the head of Rosey for another two and then locked in a front face lock, and then Murdoch went over to Lilian on the outside and asked her for a kiss! Hurricane then went over and nailed some right hands on checked on Lilian before diving at him, but Murdoch then hit a DDT while Hurricane was draped across the apron to the floor, and he is out of it!


Back in the ring, and Rosey looked down at Hurricane and then he started to unload on Cade. Rosey nailed a back body drop and then a clothesline in the corner, and then a clothesline to Murdoch on the apron. Rosey fired up and went for a splash but Murdoch pulled Cade out of the way. Murdoch tagged in and covered for two as the trainer and a referee came down to check on Hurricane, and he hasn’t moved. Rosey went to the outside and Cade rammed him into the guardrail, and then back first into the apron before sending him back inside where Murdoch covered for two.


The Finish:


Cade tagged in and hit a right hand to the gut, and this is effectively a handicap match now. Rosey came back with right hands but Cade nailed a knee to the gut and scored with a neckbreaker as Hurricane was helped to the back. Rosey hit a double clothesline on Cade and Murdoch as Hurricane tried to go back to the ring to help. Hurricane tagged Rosey and nailed some right hands and he is in no condition to be in the ring. Murdoch and Cade nailed a lariat/legsweep combo for the win!


Winners and new Tag Team Champions, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch




The limo is shown backstage again, and then one of the girls emerged in his robe. He called her back, but she said she needed to catch her breath. She then opened the robe and Flair started wooing.




Maria is backstage with Chris Masters. She asks him why they call him the masturbate? He said it’s the Masterpiece, and he is named that because he body reminds people of the statue of St. David by Michelangelo. She asks if he means like the Ninja Turtle, and started to sing the theme song! He got pissed and said two weeks ago in the Master Lock Challenge, Michaels was unsuccessful in breaking the lock, and the same happened last week. He said the Heart Break Kid will finally get broken tonight.


Referee: Jack Doan

Chris Masters vs. Shawn Michaels


The music of the Masterpiece hit in the arena as Chris Masters made his way to the ring, and he is undefeated here on RAW since his debut, but this will be his toughest challenge yet against Shawn Michaels.


The start:


Master’s locked in the Master Lock from behind before the match could even get underway, and then tossed him down to the canvas. Masters stomped on Michaels and we haven’t even had a bell yet. The bells finally rings and we are underway. Michaels nailed some right hands and chops and then Masters tossed him to the corner but Michaels comes back with right hands and more chops. Michaels nailed a big knee lift and then a clothesline, and then sent Masters to the outside.


Mid-match notes:


Michaels nailed a plancha over the top and then some mounted right hands on the outside. Michaels chopped away at Masters and then sent him into the ring steps. Michaels grabbed a steel chair on the outside and went to nail Masters but the referee grabbed it and then Masters kicked Michaels in the mid section. Back inside, and Michaels hammered the back of Masters and pulled him back outside. Masters went for a powerbomb on the floor but then rammed Michaels spine first into the ring post, twice! Back inside and Masters hammered the back of Michaels hard, and then hit an elbow drop and a knee drop, and then a leg drop for two.


Masters nailed a vertical suplex for a near fall and then continued to hammer away at the back of Michaels. Ross talked about Michaels’ history with back problems, causing him to miss four years of competition. Michaels came back with chops but Masters nailed a back body drop for a two count. Masters nailed a backbreaker and then taunted the crowd before covering for another near fall. Masters hit some straight right hands and then another backbreaker, but kept Michaels in place and wrenched away at the back. Michaels fought out with right hands and then some shots to the gut before unloading with some chops. Michaels went for a crucifix rollup but Masters blocked it and then went for the Master Lock but Michaels blocked with elbows and rammed Masters into the corner.


Masters sent Michaels hard into the corner sending him upside down and then locked in a torture rack. The referee checked the hand and it dropped twice but Michaels fought out and then got a sunset flip for two but then got run down with a clothesline. Master’s has a bloodied nose for those keeping score. Masters nailed a press slam and then signalled for the Master Lock. Masters went for it but Shawn grabbed the referee and then nailed Masters with a low blow. Both men are down as the referee began his count but both men got up. They traded right hands with Michaels getting the better and then nailed a flying forearm and then nipped up! Michaels hit the inverted atomic drop and then a pair of clotheslines followed by a slam and then went up to the top rope.


The Finish:


Michaels flew off with the elbow drop and then started to tune up the band. Michaels went for Sweet Chin Music but Masters ducked and locked in the Master Lock! Michaels tried to flip out of it in the corner but it was no good. Michaels began to fade as the fans rallied behind the Heart Break Kid. Michaels flipped himself over the top to the apron and Masters was forced to break the hold! Michaels nailed a hotshot to Masters and then headed up top and dived off but Masters caught him ands then went for the Master Lock but Shawn reversed and hit Sweet Chin Music of the win!


Winner - Shawn Michaels




The limo is shown backstage, and all of the girls emerge from it. Flair then crawls out backwards with his pants half way down and he’s all sweaty and takes a huge swig of champagne and then collapses in true Nature Boy style!


WWE Championship Match

Referee: Michael Chioda

Kurt Angle vs. John Cena ©


The music of Kurt Angle hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring for his shot at the WWE Championship against John Cena.


The start:


Cena and Angle stared each other down before locking up. Angle hit a side headlock takedown and then a shoulderblock. Cena came back with a hip toss and Angle bailed to the outside. Back in the ring and they locked up again and Angle took Cena down with a hammerlock and then an arm bar. Cena came back with a side headlock takedown of his own and then nailed a shoulderblock, and then another, and Angle bailed again.


Mid-match notes:


Back inside, and Angle nailed some right hands and uppercuts and unloaded with right hands in the corner. Angle charged at Cena but Cena got his feet up and then slammed Angle and hit some quick elbow drops for two. Cena sent Angle headfirst to the corner, to all four corners. Cena then nailed a side slam for two. Angle raked the eyes and then hit a German release suplex and went to work with more uppercuts and stomps to the back. Angle scored with a snap suplex for a two count and then hit some cross face shots before locking in a rear chin lock, while driving his knee into Cena’s back. Cena fought out and got a sunset flip for two and then hit some right hands of his own but then walked into a belly to belly suplex from Angle.


Angle hit a knee lift, and then another one, before locking a waist lock on the canvas and then switched it into a body scissors. Angle then grabbed a rear naked choke while Cena was still in the body scissors but Cena fought up and nailed a big time DDT. Cena nailed some right hands and then a big clothesline, followed by a flying shoulder tackle, and then a suplex for two. Cena went for the FU but Angle fell out the back and locked in the Ankle Lock but Cena shoved him away and then nailed a spinebuster for a near fall. Angle missed a charge in the corner and Cena went for the FU again, but Angle reversed and nailed the Angle Slam but Cena kicked out at two!


Angle locked in the Ankle Lock but Cena kicked him off again and then nailed the throwback and then the five knuckle shuffle for a near fall but Cena’s ankle is clearly bothering him. Angle nailed the referee in the corner and then Cena hit the FU but the referee is down. Cena went to revive the referee but he is out of it. Angle kicked Cena low and then grabbed his gold medal from the corner and wrapped him around his fist and nailed Cena in the head with it. Angle hit a knee drop to the ankle and then pulled down his straps and locked in the Ankle Lock in the middle of the ring as Eric Bischoff made his way to ringside. Bischoff got in the ring and got in Cena’s face and bad mouthed him and held the title in front of his face.


The Finish:


Cena tried to make the ropes and did so and Bischoff kicked his arm off and Angle pulled him back into the middle of the ring. Cena reversed the ankle lock and knocked Angle into Bischoff sending him to the outside and then grabbed the title belt and nailed Angle in the head with it, but the referee had come to and saw it and called for the bell! Bischoff grabbed the mic and said that he doesn’t care, and that title will not be given to Cena. Cena then grabbed Bischoff nailed him with the FU!


Winner by disqualification, Kurt Angle, but still WWE Champion, John Cena


The Aftermath:


Angle attacked Cena from behind and sent him to the outside and wrenched his face and nailed some elbows to the back of the head as the bell continued to sound. Angle whipped Cena into the ring steps and then sent him head first into the Spanish announce table. Angle took the table apart and went for the Angle Slam onto the table, but Cena countered and hit the FU on Angle through the table! Cena slid back into the ring and grabbed his title as Cena is still the champion.

Then why the fuk did you post?


u should be amazed how that question should be asked in many threads. makes u wonder, doesnt it?


anyways, ppv was kool. i got some thoughts to it, but im too tired. hope someone enjoyed it. and yes, cena sucks more than a 2 dollar crack whore.


Hello, I am Jack's retrospective:


Yep, Unforgiven blew.



Hi again, I am Jack's top 5 highlights:


5. Flair actually hitting the top rope attack for once in his life.


4. Shelton vs. Chavo. Kinda says alot about the event, huh?


3. Tag Team Championship match. Rosey was on tonight, but they should

have kept the titles. Just as well seeing they get no damn support from the WWE.


2. Hardy vs. Edge. We finally get what we want, but not in a predictable way.


1. Flair dropping Viagra. You had to see it, the whole timing was flawless.

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