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I have seen every Lord of The Rings. Well its only 2 in all so far. Its a preety good movie, but I'm not that big of a fan. All I know is, if you have read, "The Hobbit", usually you will love the Lord of The Rings. :evil:


I wouldn't say i'm the biggest but i am a big fan of Lord of the rings.


I've read the books and seen the 2 movies.


As for a fav character.... dunno Gandalf, Aragorn and Legolas are pretty good, i like the Gimley in the book better for some reason though.


ive never seen any of the movies except for the old school animated ones. remember those? :evil:


I have seen them to buy dude.


I love the lord of the rings i was only educated towards the books because of the first realease of the film, i read the hobbit and i was hooked.


charecter i like most Legolas


Im a fan of the books but not the films. Dont get me wrong they are good but theres too much missing and too many adaptions for my liking.

There are a few improvements in the films but the characters are all wrong.

I feel sorry for anyone who watches the films without reading the books, theyre missing as much as they see in the films.

Im a fan of the books but not the films. Dont get me wrong they are good but theres too much missing and too many adaptions for my liking.

There are a few improvements in the films but the characters are all wrong.

I feel sorry for anyone who watches the films without reading the books, theyre missing as much as they see in the films.



The books are supereb to say the least, they are tiresome to read because of there magnitude, i felt drained after a long reading session with those, but once you have read it all its like


""""ahhhhh bloody hobbits"""


i almost gave away the ending, they dont want to know what happens to all the hobbits with the huge axe!!


a great moviebased, and an excellent novel :evil: my favorite char. would be "Gandalf" :lol:

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