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I really enjoy the Priest class, so should you decide to play one I hope you enjoy it as well.

Hope you find this useful.




First, see some basic information about priest:


The Priest Class is available to these Races.

Human, Night Elf, Dwarf, Troll, and Undead.


Blizzard's Class Description:

"Priests lead the many faiths spread throughout the disparate lands of the world of Azeroth. In Kalimdor, Night Elf Priestesses revere the moon goddess Elune, while Dwarven priests in Khaz Modan deliver the message of the Light to their people. In the ruins of Lordaeron, the undead priests of the Forsaken, their faith twisted and tainted by their tortured existences, spread a dark interpretation of the Holy Light. Regardless of their faith, however, all Priests share in their ability to manipulate the minds of those who turn to them for spiritual guidance." Blizzard


Shadows Edge Class Description:

The Priest is a healer, damage dealer, and has crowd control abilities. They are the best healer in the game and have control over their enemies mind using dominate, confusion, and sleep spells. Many believe that they will also be a powerful buffer. The priest wields Holy Magic and would use a Mace or Staff as a weapon. However, they are cloth wearers, so they be weary of melee and provoking their enemies rath.


Class Skills


Holy Magic


Shadow Magic







:punk: The part below was contributed by Elunia. I stole it from the forum of worldofwarcraft.com, who stole it from worldofwarcraftgolds.net :


So you' ve got/want a priest in your group


Priests are often frustrated that other classes do not appreciate how to work with them, and its very much in your interest to know how to work well with your priest so that your groups are more successful, wipe less often and you finish more quests and level faster. You may be reading this as a non-priest because someone you have grouped with suggested you do so, please take this stuff on board and you will enjoy the game more when grouping with a priest.


I have put together my thoughts on the things you need to bear in mind when grouping with a priest.


How hate or aggro works in world of warcraft


In Wow each mob you are fighting will attack whichever character with which it has the most hate or aggro. Different members of the group build hate through three main methods.

1) By pulling the mob. This can be done by taking an offensive action against the mob such as a ranged attack or by entering its aggro circle. The aggro circle is an invisible circle around each mob that when a player enters it will attack. The aggro circle is based on level, so for example a lvl 10 character will enter the aggro circle of a lvl 15 mob at a far greater distance then a lvl 15 character, while a level 25 character would have to be virtually stood on top of a lvl 15 mob to trigger an attack.

2) By doing damage to a mob, once a mob is pulled it will attack the puller, however it can switch and attack another character if that character deals sufficient damage to it. So say a mage pulls a mob from a room towards his group that mob will run to attack the mage, however the tank in the group can built hate by taunting and doing damage, the mob will then switch and attack instead the tank. However the mage may continue to do damage and it entirely possible the mob will turn again and attack the mage.

3) When a mob that is aware of you sees you healing.


This is why a priest shudders when someone says ?All on one mob!?


Now this is important if you have a priest in your group. Say your group pulls 3 mobs, those 3 will attack who ever they have the most aggro with. So lets say these 3 mobs come running over, mob1, mob2 and mob3. If your party attacks only mob1 the priest is put in a difficult position, and they can do one of two things. Because they only wear cloth armour they can not afford to be attacked by drawing aggro, so if your group is attacking only one of three here are their two options.

a) They can deal damage only to mob1, this is on the theory that the faster you kill one mob the less damage the overall group can dish out. However if the priest doesn?t heal then someone may well die, usually the tank first, then the rest of the group may follow quickly. This will usually result in the priest getting screamed at to heal and being called a nOOb.

:wink: They can do a priest job and heal, however since the group is attacking only mob1 as soon as mob2 and mob3 see?s the priest heal they will instantly attack as no one else has built up any hate with these two mobs. Since the priest can wear only cloth they will die quickly and as the tank won?t be getting healed he will also die and the rest of the group. This will usually result in the priest getting called a nOOb.


The conclusions is that in wow you should insure that you build up sufficient hate with all mobs if you want to be healed, if you see your priest being attack immediately turn and attack the mob which is hitting on the priest so that it turns to fight you again. Always keep one eye on your priest and never say all on one mob.


Sheeping is the exception


A good mage will keep a mob sheeped, this is sort of an exception to the above rule, however many mages fail to realise just how powerful this spell is, so mages, check it out.


Healing spells work on line of sight


Your priest can heal you but only if he can see you. If you have taken damage a decent priest will always know and do everything they can to heal you, however if you run wildly around from room to room then the priests healing spells will continually fail because you keep running out of his line of sight. If you want to be healed stay still in front of the priest.


Healing cost mana


A priest can only heal if he has enough mana to do so, so keep an eye on their mana bar and listen for OOM (out of mana) shouts. If your priest shouts OOM during a fight if you immediately go and enter another fight straight after you can expect little or no healing.


Let the priest kill


Many priests have an ability called Spirit tap. If your priest asks always when possible allow them to kill a mob on very low health, not always possible I know, but if a mob is running away with just a sliver of health left toward the back of your group where the priest is anyway let the priest kill it. The spirit tap ability allows the priest to almost double their mana regeneration for 15 seconds. This means that the priest will have more mana to heal with sooner.


Healing and damage.


Priest can deal damage and they can also heal, however they can?t do both at the same time, I doubt your priest is stood at the back of your group is doing nothing, more likely he is renewing you and therefore is not in a position to be wanding the mob as well.


Why isn?t my priest healing me with big heals.


For this priest and many others our favourite healing spell is called renew, this spell does not just replace a huge chuck of health at once, but instead it repairs damage to you over time. So every 3 seconds you will get x hp repaired. The reason we like this so much is because it?s a) mana efficient when we spend talent points on it and :banghead: it does cause aggro like a regular healing spell except the aggro it causes is spread over the duration. As such this allows the tanks to gain their own aggro up with the mobs and avoids the priest getting hit on.


Small vs big heals

Sometimes however the opposite will happen, and you be fighting while your health gets lower and lower and the priest is still wanding away. For a priest how to heal is very much taste and philosophy. Some take the little and often approach but others prefer to use a big heal like greater heal when your health is low. So don?t start calling for help when your health goes below 50%, the priest may be waiting for the right time to cast a big heal on you. However if your playing with this sort of priest make sure you manage that aggro. A big heal may take 4 seconds to cast but every time a caster gets hit it partly resets their cast time. If they get hit often enough they may never actually finish their cast time. If you can?t manage aggro, they can?t heal you.


gg double post


And, very insightful.


You know, it would help if you'd mention World of Warcraft in the topic title. :wink: The forum's name isn't The World of Warcraft Forum.


i tot of another priest. u shud be more specific w/ the topic title.

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