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the rock is fine for the lead.. IF the game is in teh first person and he doesnt talk.


Are you sure the Rock will dies?  :(


He is the hero, he is the one who should shoot the head-on-the-stick :)


Well, in the first game the marine dies at the end of episode 1 and goes to hell. Maybe that's what happens to the Rock in the movie.


Although I heard the movie would have no demons and no hell, which would suck.


From what I've heard, the movie will not feature hell nor demons for that matter, rather those 'demons' are experimental monsters.


But then again, I could be talking out of my ass.


They mislead everyone. Which is funny. Although it doesn't say their from hell explicitly, it's implied, but you know, we could all be eating our words after somehow seeing the movie.


i hope theres a helll... but thenn it just says Hell is unleashed which is as good as sayin chaos or something of that matter and tere not demins according to the trailer it's an expirement.... some stuff like that


the movie is gonna be crap like every other game to movie. the question is how crappy? street fighter crappy or mortal kombat crappy.


heheh anyways Id made a cell phone doom rpg. I'm interested in checking that out when it releases.

mortal kombat crappy.

Todate, it's the only GOOD video game to movie adaption. MKA Never happened.


I tot RE was good.


RE: A was bad becos Millia get superpowers.


MK is bad becos of Raiden (played by Christopher Lambert?)


HOTD never happens


AITD never happens


Street Fighter by Van damne rank the worst video game movie of all time. Raul julia is perfect, however.


I liked the Sonny Chiba street fighter mvoies.. Though they had nothing to do with the game :P


Anyway I didn't think the RE movies weren't too bad.

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