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"The DS Wifi project is a homebrew library for the Nintendo DS to allow developers to add wireless internet support to their applications."


Yep, that's right, SgStair has agreed to host the official forum of DSWifi here on 1Emulation.Com! I'm sure we all remember him from our last radio show where he spoke about the development of the project. This is by far one of the most popular projects for the Nintendo DS homebrew scene. It still has not been released yet, but will be soon. SgStair will also be an Operator in our IRC Channel! Please welcome him to the 1Emulation family. :D


»» http://dswifi.1emulation.com [Official Forum]

»» http://dswifi.akkit.org [Official Website]

»» 1Emulation.Com IRC Channel


Nice to see something beyond games being worked on, this is sure to fuel homebrew on a larger scale in the future.

I don't own a DS nor do I ever plan on it, but I love seeing homebrew development on any platform.


Was there not some sort of competition going on for developing a TCP/IP solution for the DS, where there was a cash prize? Or am I getting things confused with another platform/idea?


Great news indeed! I am trying to learn as much as I can about DS homebrews and what not. :D Thanks for your hardwork SgStair.


Very sexy bit of news :D

/me gives GC a cookie

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