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Yes, it would be nice to have wifi support in DSLinux.


Especially with the ability to download things and store them on your cf with your great driver :P

however on that subject the supercard sd is kinda being left in the dust with respect to file storage...


though with wifi i suppose you could even mount somthing from your PC!(maybe this is not one of my stupid ideas?)

When API is ready, and include in DSLinux, all network program like ssh (client/server), web browser(lynx, dillo,...), irc, and many other will work.

sgstair is not creating a wifi driver for dslinux.


He is going to provide information that will help in the creation of a driver.


It may be easier to port ssh directly than to create a driver.


Hi Pepsiman, are you the same pepsiman from DSLinux?


About the WiFi on DSLinux, ok, that is not what sgstair is doing,

but that would be really opening many doors. Think about the number of networking programs available in linux, and easyly portable, like console instant messengers, browsers, etc.

Once that would be done, we would get so many programs! Plus possibly multitasking (browse with links while your IM is on) etc.

The possibilities..... Dslinux would become much more interesting!


Hope this will happen sometime!



The thing is though, is how many of these programs are compiled for arm processors?


None. But if the source is portable it's just a simple (once you get the toolchain working) recompile.

There may be bug hunting as well, but that's about it.

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