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DS wifi is infected with virus ?



Update(2005.10.08)£ºConsumer Alert !!!



Do not, I repeat DO NOT run any Homebrew on your Nintendo DS, GBAMP, SUPERCARD until the below situation is resolved.

DarkFader, the person who cracked the Nintendo DS, was behind the creation of the NeoFlash, the MAN who ran the Nintendo DS ROM release group GST (Golden Sun Team) has released a small program that will erase your Nintendo DS firmware, GBAMP firmware and/or your SuperCard Firmware and the release is supported and endorsed by the DSDEV (#dsdev) community of dev's (who most receieve free NeoFlash devkits) and have been payed off by NeoFlash to, in this instance, litterly KILL the competition.

The code used in the original bricking application has been ripped and now is being added to other homebrew and romsso if you run one without checking it first you'll end up with a dead Nintendo DS, GBAMP and/or SuperCard. This is a verycounter-productive move on the Nintendo DS's Development Community as their code to disrupt piracy (which they helped create) is now being used in their own programs!

Just image going to run NESDS and having your Nintendo DS die! Luckily, if you use the FlashMe Firmware replacement for the Nintendo DS you can recover from this deadly attack by booting up the system any holding "A+B+START+SELECT" then loading the Firmware from a flashcart other then your SuperCard (as it's most likely been destroyed).

More info from http://www.tehskeen.net/



This has nothing to do with sgstair's excellent work.

Nor does it have anything to do with darkfader (at least i hope not....)

It is my belief that someone used darkfaders name to propagate this.

That log file is imo fake.

No-one on dsdev answers so quickly and also the "crashme" app was reported long before this.

This is a vigilante attack on pirates as only they will be interested in a r0mz loader.

I don't agree with the method used against pirates.

Darkfader has been idle for 11 hours, so he was idle at the time of the "message"


Because the use this forum too. They were probably recounting what they did to each other or just joking around.


How can someone who's done so much for the community do something so despicable?


If Nintendo ever got wind of this, doesn't he realize Nintendo's going to come down hard on the homebrewers just for doing something this bad?


Anyway, I'm kind of disgusted now. That log doesn't really look fake, it's too long for it not to be real, that and the format of which the log is in, and the links and everything all work.


There's no reason for this not to be real.


Unfortunately the log is real.

Comparing the published log with my logs... 


It's accurate.. not fake.. I was there you know..

So as i've said on the DSlinux forums don't run any homebrew that you can't verify as virus free. Those with flashme are safer as they have a recovery sector, but don't do it. You GBAMP or supercard may also be damaged (and those are irreparable, much as the damage to the homebrew scene is).


There has been a single isolated incident in which DarkFader has written a program with the purpose of overwriting the firmware of the DS, and a few other systems. The homebrew community (and #dsdev) has not endorsed this, nor are they responsible for spreading it.


Quit the hype please, people. A destructive program like this is intentional, and will not affect normal homebrew; DS wifi will NOT be affected. As usual, use caution in what you run, and don't run every odd program off of obscure/illegal forums, you'll be fine.



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