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Reesy - OpenSNES and DrSMS


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DrSMS Version 1


10th October 2005


I've tidied up my port of DrSMS for the GP32, so I have decided to release a version to the public. There is still no GameGear support but I may get around to it over the next few weeks.


Usual setup, just download the program below copy to the GPMM directory on your smc. SMS roms go in GPMM/SMS, these can be zipped but only 1 rom per zip is supported.





11th October 2005


Uploaded source code.


10th October 2005


I've noticed that the saving is broken on the last release I made, hopefully I've fixed this now so try the download below.


7th October 2005


Cleared up sound rendering, added more cpu speeds and added BLU+ option

>> Get them HERE


Thanks to RetroGuru for the heads-up.

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