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release dates


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it's been awhile since I've rushed out and got software on the day of release.

so I have a question. is the release date the day it is in store on the shelf or do I wait till the day after.

I ask because the warriors has a release date of 10/17/05 (tomarrow) and I know that is odd because usually games music and dvds come out on tuesdays and thursdays. so I don't want to waste a trip. hmm.

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I am! :D it is the only game I'll Pay for since street fighter anneversary collection. I get everything else by other means :afro:

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I memmer I once bought Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 for ps2 a day before it's release date (for some reason, Kay-Bees had it on shelves a day early)


maybe some stores are already selling it as we speak

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that would suck.


I hate living so far from town. damnit it's like an hour to the best buy and gamestop. so I don't wanna go out there unless it's out. maybe I'll call tomarrow.

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If your lucky, you can catch the guys unpacking it. I would go on shipping day when games arrive and got games a 2 days early because of EB's 2 day holding policy.

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that actaully happened to me once. I asked when I game was coming out and the dude was like hold on. he came back with the game and sold it to me a few days before he was supposed to.

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