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Hi everyone, i got a question about the hacked neoragex rom kof2k3plus. Why does this (and all the other versions of kof2oo3 i've come across) have no pratice mode menu? I can get into the practice mode, but there is no way ot exit it without resetting the emu. Is there any hack or anything to enable the pratice menu? FYI on ngx it's normally accessed by pressing "3" (not on numpad!). All the other kof have had the menu, why not this one? And also why does kof2003 look so ugly compared to kof2k2?

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This bug has been in NeoRAGEx from the beginning. NRX doesn't emulate the Select button properly when in Console Mode (since the Select button is used to bring up the Practice manu). It isn't just KOF2003, but it's also present in a slew of other titles as well. No, you can't do anything about it, except to use another emulator.


Personally, I use Nebula Loader, because it let's me specify what sets to use.


And finally, define "ugly".


You may wish to try another emulator such as FBA plus or FBA evo with your rom. They are much easier to use, do not have a problem with the menu bug, are open source, are good for slower computers, and have very nice graphics filters. (Plus... I hate neorage ^^ )


NeoRAGEx is still the easiest to use when it comes to the GUI and available configuration options. Yeah ok, it isn't as feature-rich as the others, but from the beginning, it was only meant to provide only the utmost neceassary stuff and a few screen filters.


Today's emulators are like Leathermans.


neoragex 4 eva. ;)


I d/l'ed both FBA plus and Nebula but neither support kof2003. I guess there is an another file file I need in order for the rom to appear on the game list. Can you tell me which file I need? BTW the rom name is kof2k3plus. Any help is appreciated.

not so much kids, more like noobs


neorage was good for it's time like 3 or 4 years ago?


Yeah when 486 was first released :D

That was rude...


Ash X: You can't make newer games work with the regular Nebula/Kawaks because the games have been locked. You need to hunt down a Loader, which will remove the locks and allow you to create your custom DATs for any game.

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