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  James said:
No Credit is given to the site it originated from period :D


Now how can I post news when its already been done by others.  I used to do it all the time but it got taken over.


If you can't agree to those terms James, then we can't let you post news. You have turned this issue into YOUR OWN issue. If you want to talk more about it, you know where to find me.

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I always give credit to the page I got the information from, provided that my source has credited the necessary people for their news.

Like K` said, EmuN00bs is a great place for the occasional laughs, but I feel that sometimes they report even the smallest problems that most people don't even pay attention to.

  GameCop said:
If you can't agree to those terms James, then we can't let you post news. You have turned this issue into YOUR OWN issue. If you want to talk more about it, you know where to find me.


I see no issue, nor is it an issue for me. I only told you my veiw on the news posting.

Sorry if you feel like this is an arguement but thats not what I intended.


I made an honest mistake. I don't really understand the exact procedure of newsposting. I didn't intend to "steal news" or not give credit. This being the case, you are free to believe whatever you want to believe. But I assure you no mistakes were made intentionally. Sorry to leave a sour taste in this site's mouth. I guess it'd be best if I just walked away.:D


ok seriously, general plot, if I'd have been in your place, I'd have done the same mistake unitentionally, there's no need to threat, to err is human so don't take into account what dumbasses say, like an old proverb says, you learn while you live.


and I totally agree with james' view on newsposting, since it is a much more reliable news, then when I see it on some random site O_O. and gozer's right people don't really look at news all that much anyway.


If someone is quoting document A, and document A got the information from Source B, then I think its entirely correct to quote source B, even though you read it first in document A. (If you didnt get my analogy, basically i agree with James)

Posted (edited)
  General Plot said:
  AxL said:
there's no need to threat....

ummm, I wasn't reallly trying to make a threat, I'm sorry if it seemed that way.:D


oh, no, no, no, no, NO!!!


that sounded wrong, ok I meant it in the form of "there's no need to worry"

sry man, thought you got that it's an old construction :D

you didn't make any threats lolol


and saiyanfire has the right idea there, seems like gamecop needs a lesson in news posting...


I mean every forum I go to (don't ask me for names) posts news from the original site, why does 1emu have to be the exception?

Edited by AxL
  AxL said:
I mean every forum I go to (don't ask me for names) posts news from the original site, why does 1emu have to be the exception?

Why is it wrong to get news from somewwhere other than the original site?


I really don't agree with how we're supposed to just credit the original source alone, even though that's not the place we got the info from. How would you like to find news about a new PSP emulator and post it on your website and have someone post the same news without giving you any credit even though the news was lifted from your site?

  Agozer said:
I really don't  agree with how we're supposed to just credit the original source alone, even though that's not the place we got the info from. How would you like to find news about a new PSP emulator and post it on your website and have someone post the same news without giving you any credit even though the news was lifted from your site?


It is always good to get news from the sites that release the updates ( The author of the emulator ) since there could be a chance that the news found on a forum could be bogus (Fake)



By all mean give thanks to someone who may of posted it at another forum But the real credit goes to the original Author. And thats why I only check the sites that release the updates and not other forums that post the news.


Personally I would not care if someone seen the news at another forum I posted it at and posted it here since I was not the one who released the news in the first place. And I was just letting people know at the forum I posted it at of the news.. The one who oginaly released the news is the the one who should get the credit and maybe give a thanks to whoever.


crap I wish had not said anything about this in the first place.




Please be aware that this is only my veiw and has nothing to with the rules of posting news at 1Emulation.

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