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"there eez  a freezez coming!"  :?  


i cant think what that quotes from, is it commando?


:wink: thats from the batman movie where arnold plays mr freeze. like i said before, that movie was horrible. the only thing that saved it was arnold's catch phrases. :lol:


oh...hehe. thats from Kindergarden Cop. its at the part where he is trying to find out who's dad is the bad dude, ya know. :wink:


i also like the quote he gives when he goes into that club, and the guy aks, "who the hell are you?". arnold points the shotgun at him, fires off a round and replies, "im the party pooper.". :?


oh right!

how about "clone this!"

from sixth day, theres another great one from that film but i haven't seen it for a long time.

i also love that bit in commando where he rips the womans seat out of her car for no reason, just so he can crouch down. also when u see all the bad guys go flying on the spring boards on the lawn cos they could b bothered to cover them up :wink:

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