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Xe is a multi-system emulator that runs on Windows and Linux.


Xe updates:

* [Xe] Implemented RAM Cart option.

* [Xe] Implemented Memory Card option.

* [Xe] Implemented machine specific options.

* [Xe] Changed status bar display to include Memory Cards.

* [Xe/Win32] Fixed settings spin button range.

* [Xe/Win32] Doubled sound buffer size.

* [Xe/Linux] Doubled sound buffer fragments.

* [Mark III] Implemented option to disable YM2413.

* [PC Engine] Implemented option to disable PC Engine CD.

* [PC Engine] Implemented 6-Button Pad.

* [PC Engine] Implemented Ten No Koe Memory Bank support.

* [PC Engine] Changed BRAM from 8KB to 2KB.

* [PC Engine] Merged with Super Grafx.

* [PC Engine] Swapped Super Grafx VDC1 and VDC2.

* [Mega Drive] Implemented option to disable Mega CD.

* [Mega Drive] Implemented 6-Button Pad.

* [Mega CD] Implemented RAM Cart support.

* [Neo Geo] Implemented Memory Card support.

* [Game Boy] Implemented Mono Only mode.

* [Neo Pocket] Implemented Mono Only mode.

* [Wonder Swan] Implemented Mono Only mode.

>> Visit the Homepage.

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