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i have never understud how you can configurate the joypads in this emulator


in most of the games,1 button do all the work(for firing throwing bombs..etc)


i have a jpypad p2500 rumble saitek


if anyone has any way with this weird joypad to configurate in games,please give me a hint :thumbsup1:



ps:i was very very lucky(and some members here also...i gess)which we had the oportunity to enjoy the amiga,when it was on the golden age


many yiang people finaly they give credits to the machine...at least the emulator(home computer)which gave his soul(windows)..so that everyone can enjoy them :o


amiga 1987-late 1993


Amiga isn't dead yet dammit! :thumbsup1: Cloanto's Amiga Forever still goes strong.


You can change the inputs by going to Host --> Input and then selecting Configuration #1. Then start changing them from the drop-down menu below after selecting what you want to modify from the list above.


yes, make sure you have set your pad connected to port 2 in WinUAE or it wont work. I use lemonade frontend and need to hit F12 and set it for each game i start.

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