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I thought of making a characters review thread in order to help people getting good chars for

their MUGEN since not all chars are good and some of them are a real crap. Anyone can also make

reviews or recommendations.


EvilKen ver 7.41 by Reu Tenshin and KingTigre:

this is a great char and was chosen in many places as character of the year =) and it´s a must

for MUGEN. He has many original and great movements as well as his typical ones, his wining poses

are wonderful and ther sound effects are great

10 out of 10

Find him here at Mugen Institute -=> http://mi.mgbr.net


EvilRyu ver 1.02 By Reu, and KingTigre:

He is also a great char and like ken has an awesome Ai and many wonderful movements.

9 out of ten

find him at mugen institute like evil ken


Evilryu ver 1.05 by MystikBlaze:

This other version of evil ryu is also great lots of movements and an amazing Ai and can do

many abusive combos, specially if controlled by the cpu, are you ready for such a punishment?

hehehe. He also had an ending included

10 out of ten

find him here http://mrev.infara.net/soldats/


Superman, ver 2.1 by hannibal:

This char is an edit mainly from Magneto, lots of movements which are really cool, you really

have to get this char

10 out of 10

find him at planet mugen


NeoKyo X and NeoIory x

these are really good chars, you can select from different version of kyo and iori through the

different kof games they also have several strikers. They also have good AI not as good as the

evil ken or evil ryu ones but not bad

8 out of ten

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