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GameEx 5.19 released


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19th November 2005 - GameEx 5.19


* Should fix all issues associated with using the 'Bigger' fonts setting

* Game image/art/videos now display in the corner bigger.

* New Galaxian theme by HeadKaze (updates by me) now included in the Install.

* Support for Arcade Ambience MP3 tracks

-- http://arcade.hofle.com

-- The GameEx install now features an optional automatic setup and download of the Arcade 83 track.

* Fixes mouse pointer not hiding.




19th November 2005 - Instant Sheller 0.31


* Instant Sheller 0.31 released

* Instant Sheller is a one click solution to shell any frontend in Windows XP completely hiding any trace of Windows. It features an undo so it should be stress free.

* With version 0.31 you can modify the Windows boot screen. A GameEx image is included.

* Version 0.31 should also fix the auto login issue after second boot.

>> Get it HERE

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