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Trying to get as many eyes on my auction as possible... AUCTION LINK FOR NEOCANDY 29


Just wanted to show off my babies...(when you live in a quake zone you keep your cabs locked down)


Big Red - NEOGEO MVS-2 original


contains : Xbox and Ps2 on a switchbox inside the coindoor. when plugged in the xbox auto-powers on and boots a dash in about 3 seconds! The ps2 has an 80gig hdd and i leave the hdd loader dvd-r inside the machine all the time...so you can switch the switchbox and press power on the ps2 and your playing tekken 4,5,soul calibur 3 in about 30 seconds.


NeoCandy 29` Vertical cab EBAY AUCTION GOING ON NOW!!! click HERE


contains : Shuttle SB61G2 p4-2.8 512MB 3200 RAM 80G SATA AVGA(latest model) J-pac(latest model) and auto-powers on and boots XP (with no xp-traces visible) to verticaal mamewah. but before doing that I have scripts that do the folowing...


1. rotate screen 90degrees left

2. run ppjoykey (for pc games)

3. run mamewah


while in mamewah..you press the game selection button and the following scripts run...


1. rotate screen 180degrees

2. load mamewah2


mamewah2 is a launcher for the PC versions of Shikigami I, II. Pressing the game selection button from this Mamewah2 loads the original mamewah...so its a nice loop












the videos are finaly up...










[Edited on 11-26-2005 by sammaz]

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