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Gaming industry due for a crash?


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how come whenever people are talking about how much games these days sucks, they always say back in the days games were better?? to me i just think that's it is the people that have changed. As u get older u get bored with games because u play them too much and there's too many of those kinds of games. y do u think nintendo is always trying to change how games are played, because that way it'll give a different feel to it and won't get bored of it so easily. making a good game is hard and making one that a lot of people like is even harder because not everyone like the same thing. one man's trash is another's treasure.


The way xbox 360 and ps3 is going will only mean better graphic and other fancy things but i doubt it'll make u enjoy the game more since it's still fake but nintendo's new controller will change the way games are played and give developers more room to be creative about their games.

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I'm one of those people who read consmer reviews like crazy. The article is dead-on about what is already happenening and what will happen. Like it was said, game companies rarely like taking risks, so they make game (or a sequel) that is already widely known, either from previous incarnations or from other mediums... Hence why we still have crappy movie license games, endless mediocre franchise games (Star Wars, Star Trek, the yearly NFL/NHL/Madden/whatever). And these things continue to sell like hotcakes because the *average* gamer/consumer wants to feel safe and not go for something that they have never tried before.


Sure, there are some titles that that have had massive ad campaigns and continue to sell just because they really are good, Ratchet & Clank or Jak & Daxter for example. Though, these two titles are the few I recognize as "worthy money makers" in the otherwise big cesspool of mediocrity.


Sadly, the truly unique titles get trampled and get only picked up by gamers who know their turf, and are always on the lookout for something that strays from the mainstream. Beyond Good & Evil, Magna Carta, ICO, etc. The japanese have a talent for making completely unique games, but these games rarely get out of the country (which I believe is because the developers and publishers over there are conscious about the ever-increasing homogenous nature of the gaming industry in the west)... The european market is another matter, since it's largely dictated by well-known US releases and the PAL region extra work. Sure, they take their risks sometimes, and gamers rejoice. Personally, KOEI is my new god in gaming.


I wonder if EA will eventually become the next Atari? It'll take really flocking long, but it might happen...

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I agree with K that a Hardcore Gamer doesn't discriminate.  I'll play nearly any game I can get my hands on, good, bad, or otherwise.  There are many instances where I buy a game and wish I had bought a better one, but at least I can warn other people.

My love of Virtua Fighter, DOA, Street Fighter 3 and Parasite Eve trancesend everyone on this board unless one of those people are Fatal who just deadicates himself to one thing.



how come whenever people are talking about how much games these days sucks, they always say back in the days games were better?? to me i just think that's it is the people that have changed. As u get older u get bored with games because u play them too much and there's too many of those kinds of games. y do u think nintendo is always trying to change how games are played, because that way it'll give a different feel to it and won't get bored of it so easily. making a good game is hard and making one that a lot of people like is even harder because not everyone like the same thing. one man's trash is another's treasure


Games today are being made for more money for less time. It's a double edge sword; On one hand, they want to make a greatest game they can imagine, on the other, they want it to be accessible to the regular joe who doesn't want to spend 20 hours, which is sorter then ever these days, playing a game to get everything while still appealing to long time fans of a series (prime example: Final Fantasy)


It's what Nintendo is trying to do, and for what it's worth, if they do fail, they're doing it with style.


The difference to making a good game, and a crappy game, isn't how much it's put into it, it's how much they want it to appeal to more and failing the overall product after it hits the press. (example: Any game with so much hype to it, it fails completely. No, not Halo 2, Halo 2 owns you. Dispite what everyoen says, you just suck at console shooters, because Halo 2 is everything Halo should of been)

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Hm, cool. Ryuken's actually got a point. Maybe games back then weren't better? Perhaps the only reason we think that games aren't so hot anymore is because we've gotten bored of that certain type of game (And I say we, because I've been saying the same thing for years). The gamers of today, though, have yet to be exposed to that kind of game, so naturally they'll like it more then we do.


Good job, Ryuken, you get two chocolate chip cookies!


Edit: Jesus. K`Dash, Agozer, and I posted at nearly the same time. :)

Edited by Dooz
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flock it. I just enjoyed whatever games I could put my hands on. I have been able to enjoy most SNES, PS, PS2 and DC games due to piracy here :) So, no biggie to me. #$%^&

I would still play nevery series of Final Fantasy even if they offered me the same gameplay. I play to check whether the story is good or not. I still buy NBA2K series becos I want my roster to be up to date. I dont care whether they have improved physics or whatever. I am still buying every single THQ's wrestling game on PS2 becos I want the latest rosters, match type etc although they are not the best wrestling game out there. I will still play every single KOF there is even though the fighting system didn't change much.


Of cos, I DO have games that are really memorable to me that I will play even after 10 yrs. Games that I would buy the original becos i feel it is worth it. Yeah, some people here knows what i'm talking about.

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There are plenty of good games these days, too. People complain too much. Just to my right is a plethora of good games, at least twenty (okay maybe not a plethora), and there are many games I don't have that are just as good.


Go back to the the Super Nintendo, play Captain Novolin, and then tell me games were better back then.

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Go back to the the Super Nintendo, play Captain Novolin, and then tell me games were better back then.

Yeah, mentioning Captain Novolin usually counts as a rock-solid argument in this case.

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(example: Any game with so much hype to it, it fails completely. No, not Halo 2, Halo 2 owns you. Dispite what everyoen says, you just suck at console shooters, because Halo 2 is everything Halo should of been)



i don't think there's a single FPS i haven't played, and played multiplayer at.

and i do admit halo 2 and halo flocking rock.

but they're still not as freaking cracked up as they were hyped to be.


still pretty sweet though.




anyway, to the advertisment in games thing (yes i know it was someone other than k'dash) i noticed something here in egypt, some "hackers" will hack a game "like winning eleven, a.k.a superstar soccer" and add local sponsor ads to the game "like the game shop and a videogame magazine" and since here in egypt most people play these games at a "cyber gaming cafe" it's right under their nose all the time.




btw, just for your info.

the videogame crash in the 80's was caused by 2 things:


1- hardware was almost identical

2- games were becoming carbon copies of one another, hardly inspired and basically got old. everytime a new game idea would come up, it would be copied zillions of times.


the market ended up having more software and hardware than consumers.

eventually, companies went down, gamers stopped gaming, and CRASH!



can you honestly tell me that those two factors aren't happening?

crap, i seriously think the only two winners in the console wars (next gen) are ibm and nvidia.


and games being similar? with the exception of like one or two "original" games every once in a while, they've largely been the same.

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Actually, the 3rd reason was the fact that there was no quality control whatsoever. Every start up game house could do a clone of some popular game and sell it.


It wasn't until Nintendo created the Seal of Quality that forced companies to hand their games to the scrutiny of Nintendo for approval and publishing.

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