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There is not going be another crash. The industry is too big and too popular. It's about as likely to crash as Hollywood is. Which is to say, it won't. People started this crap about a crash back with the PSX and here we are 10 years later with people still predicting the crash and still no signs of it happening.


We may see some down quarters and we will likely see some more companies go belly up, but an industry wide crash? No way.


And let's get something straight here... games have ALWAYS been largely crap. You emu fans should know this and shame on you if you don't admit it. How many NES ROMS are there floating around? And how many are actually worth playing? Nostalgia has a way of clouding people's judgement when looking back on old systems.


Also, that guy needs to do a bit of research before writing an article like that. In one part he challenges the reader to find a major review site that hands out scores of 6 or lower on a regular basis. Well, I went right over to one of the biggest, IGN, and looked at their PS2 review section and counted 8 games that scored 6.0 or lower in November alone with another 6 games that scored 6.1-6.9. Seems pretty regular to me. I'm not going to claim that some games don't get inflated scores, because they do, but that has always been the case. It's simply something you have to take into account when reading reviews. Everyone has a fanboy side or is particularly fond of a genre or series... even reviewers. That's why you should always read lots of reviews and if still in doubt, then rent. But again, this has always been the case.

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There is not going be another crash.  The industry is too big and too popular.  It's about as likely to crash as Hollywood is.  Which is to say, it won't.  People started this crap about a crash back with the PSX and here we are 10 years later with people still predicting the crash and still no signs of it happening. 


We may see some down quarters and we will likely see some more companies go belly up, but an industry wide crash?  No way. 


And let's get something straight here... games have ALWAYS been largely crap.  You emu fans should know this and shame on you if you don't admit it.  How many NES ROMS are there floating around?  And how many are actually worth playing?  Nostalgia has a way of clouding people's judgement when looking back on old systems.


Also, that guy needs to do a bit of research before writing an article like that.  In one part he challenges the reader to find a major review site that hands out scores of 6 or lower on a regular basis.  Well, I went right over to one of the biggest, IGN, and looked at their PS2 review section and counted 8 games that scored 6.0 or lower in November alone with another 6 games that scored 6.1-6.9.  Seems pretty regular to me.  I'm not going to claim that some games don't get inflated scores, because they do, but that has always been the case.  It's simply something you have to take into account when reading reviews.  Everyone has a fanboy side or is particularly fond of a genre or series... even reviewers.  That's why you should always read lots of reviews and if still in doubt, then rent.  But again, this has always been the case.



couldn't agree more about the review part


Another erroneous fact in that article was that the game industry makes more than Hollywood. That isn't true.

And let's get something straight here... games have ALWAYS been largely crap.  You emu fans should know this and shame on you if you don't admit it.  How many NES ROMS are there floating around?  And how many are actually worth playing?  Nostalgia has a way of clouding people's judgement when looking back on old systems.

Well it's not like from the early 80's to the early 90's the games' lineup was a parade of commercial successes. Every systems has its excellent have and a huge gray mass of mediocre and outright crappy games. That how it is. Personally, I'm not afraid to admit it.

Actually, the 3rd reason was the fact that there was no quality control whatsoever. Every start up game house could do a clone of some popular game and sell it.


It wasn't until Nintendo created the Seal of Quality that forced companies to hand their games to the scrutiny of Nintendo for approval and publishing.



yeah, and wasn't taht technically completely destroyed by sony? (dunno if nintendo still has it) i mean, on sony machines, there is NO quality control (and no, a NO 2d rule does not count as quality control).


yes, i know you might be saying "well there are other consoles" but the ps systems account for the majority of marketspace, hence forth it does matter.


Yeah, there is hardly any quality control on the PS2, seeing how many subpar games are on the market that were made by some little, unknown european developer... and they go straight to the bargain bin.


I don't know how things are in the US or the rest of the world, but over here, there are quite a number of shady "I've never even heard of this crap" titles on the shelves....And I like to think that I keep track of what gets released for the PS2.


lol Simple 2000 titles in japan (Some of them made it to Europe actually, FUN as hell games actually)


80% of all PS2 titles in america, pretty much no quality control at all.


Remember there is a new genereation of players now. Our kids.

They are not used to anything better. Once they get bored, the industrie is down. Look whats it like now. Loads of NES/SNES and Genesis sites on the net. Maybe a dozend PSX sites. The cut it almost obvisiously. Ofcourse the accessibility of games is a big thing on consoles, and with several Gigs to be downloaded, the average gamer wont download any.

Give them a few more years, if they dont keep the gap to keep the now new player generation pleased until the next one is up, they will fail.

Also there is a big economic aspect to consider: EA owns them all for now and if EA goes down, the gaming business goes down. I dont mind. I just enjoyed Tetris Attack on my SNES along with my wife.

New game concepts are needed. Sony did well with its Sing star hooked to the webcam. Thumbs up for that. But its only 1 new concept. Gaming industry will go down sooner or later unless they try something new. I said that a while, now other people join in. I dunno why, but Duke Nukem was more fun to me than Doom3. All where/are ahead of its time (then). Sure Call of Duty revealed a new atmosphere, but as the article states, only very few games to make it. And those few cant keep an industry alive.


We will see a new run on emulation soon.


Now let us all corss our fingers and hope that George Broussard isn't full of it and Duke Nukem Forever gets released before I turn 50.

Now let us all corss our fingers and hope that George Broussard isn't full of it and Duke Nukem Forever gets released before I turn 50.

Let's just hope before I turn 50.

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