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This IS a emulation forum here so it should mean we're all gaming freaks and such. Instead, we're like brain dead zombies from Resident Evil and Gamecop is just one lazy Nemesis (haha). Seriously, is all the action going on in the emulation hub? If so, LETS TRY TO REVIVE THE FORUMS YAAAH!



See? Even Tetris Wants You to Post More! :roll:





I just get so busy with everything now.. I hate it.


I am up for it all the way.. especially with our newest 24 hour rom of the day with Arcade@Home and EmulForums. :)


Hmm...I wonder....


Ok heres a deal,


I want to see more posts made by everyone! (except for you freeloaders). If you're on hub, oh well. In return, PSX Isos will be uploaded, but this time, i'll tell the forum not to touch until I pm the person in charge of the Rom Sector Thingy hehe :roll:.


Blah its not working. I'll figure something out.

Blah its not working. I'll figure something out.


Rom Sector will be back up tomorrow. Our host recently moved to a new house. Then you can upload all the PSX ISOs. :roll:


most of the E.F Majority went on to the E.F Rom Hub, the chat is always a live hit and Im just damn proud of hosting it, and attracting most of its attention :roll: sorry guys, anyway.. Diso, please come aboard :P


yeah i am a gamefreak but i have been busy lately

growing up sucks :roll:

i wish i had 17 but i am not and i don´t have all the time i owuld like tp play videogames so if you are on that age don´t waste it and enjoy it all you can and not just with videogames


EDIT: Nevermind Figured it out haha, I just need to know who is in charge of RomSector :roll:


No Uploading Capabilities!? nooo!

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