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Magnis told me yesterday that there was a very popular hub in direct connect called: "Console Paradise". It was recently shut down from the IDSA because of sharing copyright material. Now all the hubs are adding disclaimers, including ours because of this. This would have to be the first time I have ever heard of the IDSA being able to shut down a P2P hub or something of that race. Now the Romster Hub doesn't have that much people anymore too because of it since they were conneted with Console Paradise. Classic Sega too now has a disclaimer that pops up whenever you enter. :roll:


Post your comments here.. :P


Guess i'll suppose to say something, anyway.. for the sake of it, i have never actually, believe some illegativities was happened to the biggest rom hub out there and was forced to shut down by some agency, which is an outrage. All p2p programmed so be all legalized despite its publicity and for general rantings. I have no idea, though there are other rom hubs avaliable other than the one im running, well just see how this process goes but for now, our hub is protected with a disclaimer.


technically, if you have a well frameworked leagal disclaimer, you can make illegal for peopel to inform on a P2P hub. If someone attempts to shut you down (and you have enogh bottle/cash for the legal battle) you can counter sue for details of how they found your hub info and then counter sue. (something like that anyway).


I wouldn't expect anything less from the IDSA. They deleted my friends entire site just because he had pd roms on there. PD!!!! PUBLIC DOMAIN! They didn't even send him any warning or notification, they just deleted it. Then they failed to apologise afterwards.


They are scum :roll:

I wouldn't expect anything less from the IDSA. They deleted my friends entire site just because he had pd roms on there. PD!!!! PUBLIC DOMAIN! They didn't even send him any warning or notification, they just deleted it. Then they failed to apologise afterwards.


They are scum  :roll:

urely that would be a breach of the contract formed when payment was made for the product. I am pretty certain on that point - obviously this asumes that no illegal products were being hosted.

i think them getting to the dc hubs was bound to happen sooner or later. :) as they keep closing in, we will keep developing new ways to keep the scene alive. no worries. :roll: but the idsa is the reason i want to keep my site "appearing" on the up and up as much as possable. meaning, keeping the emulation talk to a minimum. especially since nintendo is like the worst ones to mess with when it comes to emulation. they have a whole section on their website dedicated to emulation and how it is wrong, how it takes money from them that they could be making on re-releasing old titles from the nes and snes to the gba...blah blah blah. i mean, i love nintendo and all, but i think they are just too lazy to come up with new games for the gba. :P


I suppose this was bound to happen sooner or later to the hubs specializing in emulation. I have seen numerous articles on-line over the last month or so where the music industry has been targeting DC hubs that circulate MP3's. Specifically hubs that are hosted on mainframes which are owned by various universitys, and are being maintained by students. By focusing on these types of arrangements, the lawyers representing the music industry can actually sue the university, instead of trying to re-coup losses from the users. Although, they usually go after the main operators of the hub also.


Hopefully, Emulforums hub will not be affected. :roll:

they prob. got shut  down by tattletells, or ppl that dont think of security :jawb:


what do you mean by security? what could we all do to make sure this place doesnt get shut down?

i think them getting to the dc hubs was bound to happen sooner or later. [icon_sad.gif]  as they keep closing in, we will keep developing new ways to keep the scene alive. no worries. [icon_wink.gif]  but the idsa is the reason i want to keep my site "appearing" on the up and up as much as possable. meaning, keeping the emulation talk to a minimum. especially since nintendo is like the worst ones to mess with when it comes to emulation. they have a whole section on their website dedicated to emulation and how it is wrong, how it takes money from them that they could be making on re-releasing old titles from the nes and snes to the gba...blah blah blah. i mean, i love nintendo and all, but i think they are just too lazy to come up with new games for the gba.


Do you have the link to that from Nintendo.Com? That would be a good post. :lol:

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