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Posted (edited)

I noticed there were many people having problems getting the wifi_lib_test to work so I've decided to write a short faq about it.



Q: The program freezes in the menu.

A: You need to append a loader to the file

Download ndsmall.bin from darkfaders site. here's a direct link: http://darkfader.net/ds/files/ndsmall.bin

Use the command: copy /b ndsmall.bin + wifi_lib_test.nds wifi_lib_test.nds.gba to append the loader to the file.

some flash cards(like the supercard) require you to rename the wifi_lib_test.nds.gba to wifi_lib_test.nds


Q: Where can I get a.nds.gba version?

A: Append a loader yourself, see question 1


Q: Both screens go white when I start the program.

A: Just keep restarting, it will start eventually.


Q: I have another problem.

A: Try to append a loader, see question 1

I've noticed some homebrew apps run more stable when you append a loader.


Q: I can't connect to my AP.

A: A lot settings in your AP will stop you from connecting to your AP.

Be sure to have 802.11b active.

I had to reset my router completly to get this to work.

Just try to change different settings.

Edited by Blight
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

First off, this is just awesome. I have been playing around with it since Christmas now.


The library test works perfectly on my DS, but I am trying to my own app using Stephen's source as the main reference. However, when I go to use the function "keysInit()" -- line 339 of the template.c source for the ARM9, I get the following error:


c:/ds/projects/source/wifi_lib_test/arm9/source/template.c:339: undefined reference to `keysInit'


If I comment that line out, everything compiles, but then trying to use the keyboard in the app is screwy. I tried to compile the source that Stephen released and I get the same error.


Has anybody else tried that?



Edited by shunt2000

I think he was using an older version of libnds, I had the same problem. InitKeys isn't used any more, and I think some of the touch code changed as well. If you're looking to build something, it's best to start your own app from scrath (use the libnds template), and just use his wifi code as an example.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Problem with WEP:

I connect to my PC with a extern router. If the WEP key is on(21 signs)i cant connect to my pc anymore. Of course i inserted the WEP into my DS.

Edited by thedude

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