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MAME 0.102u3


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MAMETesters Bugs Fixed


taotaida088u4gra [RansAckeR]

tempest095u5gre [RansAckeR]


Source Changes


Aquarium update: [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

* Fixed tilemaps - sprites priority

* Added sprites wrap around y

* Added tiles flipx and flipy


Fixed several bugs in the SPC700 core: [R. Belmont]

* Fixed carry usage in ADC/SBC

* Fixed overflow flag in ADDW/SUBW (I think)

* BRK now modifies the status register properly

* Fixed DAA/DAS edge case


Updated driver.c with more consistent and updated info. [brian Troha]


NSS/SNES updates from latest MESS: [R. Belmont]

* Improved memory mapping

* Improved raster timing

* Added HIRQ support and better VIRQ support

* Improved joypad support

* DSP-1 support (including all subtypes)

* Counter latching support

* Fixed OAM read/write

* Fixed stereo sound


Added a MESS specific ROM entry type, and changed ROM entry processing code to ignore any unrecognized ROM entry types. [Nathan Woods]


Merged in recent changes to the PC share code from MESS. [Nathan Woods]


Removed several obsolete files: machine\s16math.h, vidhrdw\medlanes.h, windows\dirty.h, windows\snprintf.c. [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]


Fixed a couple of minor compatibility exposed by VC2005. [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]


Fixed the ADC and SBC opcodes in G65816 (for BCD math). [Rob Bohms]


Fixed $4014 sprite DMA in NES PPU. [Rob Bohms]


Updated the H8/3002 emulation: [R. Belmont]

* Added more bXXX.b #imm, (@)Rn instructions

* Added subtract with carry instructions


Implemented some N2A03 undocumented opcodes. [Rob Bohms]


Major update to Namco System 22: [Phil Stroffolino]

* depth cueing support (fog); some open issues remain

* depth bias improvements

* zbuffer has been replaced with back-to-front rendering

* sprite and text translucency

* direct access to rendering device (used by video tests)

* preliminary support for spotlight feature

* support for sprite bottom-alignment

* support for sprite, polygon priority over text


More Voodoo updates: [Aaron Giles]

* Added support for CLUT/gamma ramps; enables fade in/out effects

* Changed stall callback to notify both start and end of stalling

* Decreased bilinear resolution to 4 bits for Voodoo 1

* Fixed statistics and added some new ones

* Now properly masking off unsupported bits for earlier chipsets

* Fixed NOP command so it doesn't always reset statistics

* Fixed bug that caused the refresh rate to never be updated

* Fixed 16-bit writes to the frame buffer

* Fixed crashing bug after resetting the chip

* Added support for Voodoo 2's new fog, colorpath, and chromaRange modes

* Added correct wrapping for ARGB, W and Z values

* Fixed bug where depth was written to the Z buffer without bias

* Now aggregates shorter commands to reduce the number of context switches


New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


Magic Stick [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


New clones added


Progressive Music Trivia (Question set 3) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Asia 960529) [Razoola]

Funky Jet (Japan) [Guru]

Kid Niki - Radical Ninja (World) [stefan Lindberg]


New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING


Fortress 2 Blue Arcade [Guru]

>> Get the diff HERE


MAME32qa -> HERE






MAME32PlusSpecial -> (no link)


History.dat 1.05e -> HERE


Mameinfo.dat 0.102u3 -> HERE


MAMEplus! -> HERE

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