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Bliss ported to Treo Palm OS


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Bliss is an Intellivision emulator.


Bliss for Treo!!! 

Written by Kyle    

Friday, 09 December 2005 

I have just posted a download for an all-new version of Bliss for Treo devices, dubbed BlissPalm. For those of you who just want the goods, go here.


I'm pleasantly surprised with how this first release turned out. On my Treo 650, it has full sound, great video output speed, complete input support for both players, and the entire core Intellivision Master Component is fully emulated.


Now here is the important info you should know.


#1 - Although I've only tested this on a Treo 650, I’ve done nothing specific to limit the use of other Palm OS 5 devices, but please be forewarned that any Palm OS 5 platform *other* than the Treo 650 is entirely untested.


#2 - Most importantly, to use BlissPalm, you must create a /INTV directory on your SD card. In this directory, you must include the Executive ROM in a file named "exec.bin" and the Graphics ROM in a file named "grom.bin". If you have no idea what these files are, please don’t email and ask me what they are and where to get them.


#3 - Also place your cartridge ROM files in the /INTV directory on your SD card. Although this version will attempt to load ".bin", ".int", and ".rom" files. I *highly* recommend the use of.rom files for reasons I won’t go into here. You can convert your.bin/.int files to the.rom format using the bin2rom utility contained in Joe Zbiciak's excellent sdk1600 development kit. I realize this procedure precludes a lot of the less-experienced users from being able to use BlissPalm for much, so better.bin/.int support will be integrated into a future release.


#4 - The keys you can use for input are as follows…


Intellivision Discpad – touchscreen, 4-way rocker, or U/I/O/J/L/N/M/.

Top Action Buttons - Center rocker button or Q/W/K/SPACE

Bottom Action Buttons - A or S

CLEAR - Z or Backspace

ENTER - B or Enter

Number Keypad - Number Keys

Second Hand Controller – Hold “Shift”


#5 - There is not yet any support for either the Intellivoice or the ECS peripherals.



>> Get it HERE

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