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Interesting read.


Even more interesting, I think im pretty sure what the "secret" is, Remember a Looooooong time ago when nintendo spoke about/many people talked about how the new controller would be an LCD Screen, or feature an LCD screen so you could move the buttons around and have a fully customizeable controller? Well, obviously they didnt go entirely with that, But i feel there is some kind of LCD business in the button, or SOMEWHERE on the controller doing this :)


I see no conspiracy. They simply are going to have those buttons be "X" and "Y", theres already an "A" button, and the trigger on the backside will probably be called "B" rather than "Z". Why must these people spend so much time on stuff like this? What a waste of time.......


My wondering is left to the "Home" button. What will it's function encompass? I'll lay money on one of it's functions being a major button in a *gasp* web browser for the Revo. Nintendo is all over the whole "Wireless Internet out of the box" thing.


Finally, the whole LCD thing is bullsh!t, Nintendo has stated time and time again that they want to keep the Revolution cost effective, so that it sells to people who wouldn't normally buy a console. Add even one LCD, and you're adding a sizeable chunk (In proportion to overall cost) to the cost of the system. No LCD anything out of the box, I'll bet money on that too.


Yeah, right, a conspiracy? I'm sure it'll turn out just like that lame "wi-fi" thing they thought the DS would have. Buncha retards...


Lame Wi-Fi thing? It isn't lame at all. It's not as fleshed out as XBOX Live! yet but it's a very good start.


Oh, yeah. Damn. Disregard it then.


About the Home button, I think it's going to be just like XBOX 360 dashboard button on the controller.


Lol I wish it did something on the PC version, it's actually a pretty crap controller, you can't use the trigger buttons since they are now the z-axis and not actually buttons :@


Something to read..

While the controller I used was still a prototype (the final one will be a bit larger and will include a button to power the machine on and off), it gave me a good chance to see what to expect when the system launches next year.


Shaped like a television remote control, the Revolution controller uses internal sensors to translate your wrist, arm and hand movements on screen. It's easy to use, but takes a few minutes to adjust your playing style. (I initially found myself waving my arms wildly, resulting in the onscreen pointer whizzing back and forth at blinding speeds.)

much more... http://money.cnn.com/2005/12/15/commentary...dex.htm?cnn=yes


(hotlinked picture)


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