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These are the settings used in the official Nebula 2.25; I've left out kof2002b as it doesn't work.


Typical [system] paragraph:


CartridgeID: 265

GfxCrypt: 2

GfxKey: EC

PCM2: 3

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 1E



CartridgeID: the cartridge number, located at byte 108 of the p1 rom. Probably has no effect.


GfxCrypt: 1 = kof99 decryption, 2 = kof2000 decryption


GfxKey: the "extra-xor" for the GfxCrypt


PCM2: The decryption method of decoding the v roms


ButLayout: I guess this is "button layout". All games = 9, except 8 = vliner, vlinero, 7 = jockeygp


Fix: The "driver_init" to be used.



List of PCM2 options:

1 = mslug4, mslug4nd, ms4plus

2 = rotd, rotdnd

3 = kof2002, kof2k2nd

4 = matrim, matrimnd



List of Gfx options:


1 00 kof99, kof99a, kof99e, kof99n

1 05 s1945p

1 06 garou, garouo

1 07 ganryu

1 9F preisle2

1 AD mslug3, mslug3n

1 BD zupapa

1 F8 bangbead

1 FE sengoku3

1 FF nitd

2 00 kof2000, kof2000n

2 1E kof2001, kof2001h

2 31 mslug4, ms4plus

2 3F rotd

2 6A matrim

2 AC jockeygp

2 EC kof2002



List of Fix options:

01 = aof3, garoup3, kof95, kof95a, kof96, kof96h, kof97, kof97a, kof97pls, kof98n, kof99p, kizuna, rbff1, rbff2, rbff2a, rbffspec, samsho4, lastblad, lastblda, ms4plus

02 = pulstar

03 = fatfury3

04 = mslugx

05 = aodk, doubledr, eightman, galaxyfg, karnovr, turfmast, neocup98, pspikes2, ridhero, ridheroh, samsho3, samsho3a, sengoku, sengokh, sengoku2, spinmast, sdodgeb, ssideki2, ssideki3, ssideki4, tophuntr, tophunta, viewpoin, wh1, wh1h, wh2, wh2j, zedblade

06 = gururin

07 = fatfury2

08 = kof99, kof99a

09 = mosyougi

0A = mslug2, lastbld2

0B = nitd, zupapa

0C = mslug3n, mslug3nd

10 = ssideki

12 = kof99e

13 = kof2knd, kof2000n

15 = bangbead, ganryu, kof99n, preisle2, s1945p, sengoku3, jockeygp

16 = garouo

17 = kof2000

18 = garou, garoun

19 = mslug3

1A = kof2001, kof2001h

1B = mslug4, mslug4nd

1C = rotd, rotdnd

1E = kof2002, kof2k2nd, matrim, matrimnd

1F = matrimbl

20 = cthd2003

21 = kof98, kof98k


Please add the codes of any unofficial games you know of.

Posted (edited)

List of PCM2 options:


5 = mslug5

6 = samsho5

7 = svcchaos, svcchaosd

8 = kof2003, kof2003d

9 = samsh5sp


List of Gfx options:


2 0f samsho5

2 0d samsh5sp

2 19 mslug5

2 57 svcchaos - does not work

2 9d kof2003 - does not work


List of Fix options:

22 = svcchaos, svcchaosd

24 = samsho5

25 = mslug5

26 = kof2003, kof2003d

27 = samsh5sp


Edit : Note that kof2003 and svcchaos wont work, use decrypted versions instead (kof2003d, and svcchaosd)...

Edited by Necromancer

Useful enough to warrant a pin. Easier for people to write their own DATs now. The CartridgeID does play some role in the form of making the game run correctly, but that role is quite small.


Where did you pick up this info anyway? Across multiple DATs and iq's site?


Just the dat that comes with 2.25 -- that's why I only have officially released games on it.


I'm wary of using any old dat found around the net. Evidence the kof2002b dat in our own dat sticky. The codes are exactly what is in Nebula today - and a comparison of the codes used, vs the mame driver, makes it obvious that it would not work. It requires a whole new FIX code - which may not even be in Nebula.



One more - Pochi & Nyaa - the gfx codes are 2 2E or 2 2F depending on the romset used.


Note that kof2003 and svcchaos wont work, use decrypted versions instead...


One more - Pochi & Nyaa - the gfx codes are 2 2E or 2 2F depending on the romset used


I think that fix key is C

Useful enough to warrant a pin. Easier for people to write their own DATs now. The CartridgeID does play some role in the form of making the game run correctly, but that role is quite small.


Where did you pick up this info anyway? Across multiple DATs and iq's site?



The codes robbert has listed are well known from the dats. But the unsupported ones are not.



The codes are not meant to be known. By makeing them public could cause issues with the author of nebula.

What could happen is if the codes get to well known they might be removed from nebula.


Well, all of the games that are locked (except samsh5sp) will be added (hopefully) soon anyway, so I don't see that as too much of a prob james :(

Well, all of the games that are locked (except samsh5sp) will be added (hopefully) soon anyway, so I don't see that as too much of a prob james :(

Well in that case a thread like this will not be needed since there will be dats for them anyway :)

The codes are not meant to be known. By makeing them public could cause issues with the author of nebula.

What could happen is if the codes get to well known they might be removed from nebula.

Let's not discuss/post unsupported DATs either then, since you know, they are not meant to be known and making them public could cause issues with the author of Nebula.


this one's for christmas :(




System: NEO

RomName: svcplus

Game: SNK Vs. CAPCOM Plus (hack)

Parent: svcboot






























CartridgeID: 269

GfxCrypt: 0

GfxKey: 0

ButLayout: 9

Fix: 23

Let's not discuss/post unsupported DATs either then, since you know, they are not meant to be known and making them public could cause issues with the author of Nebula.


Ok daddy I will not do it anymore :(


Anyway there is already a thread that has dats posted.

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