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Posted (edited)



I just completed my first WiFi program, using the library prerelease.


you can find it here:





transfer a file to the NDS, save it to a GBAMP compatible card, and run it!


It's still really beta quality, but seems to work well for me, and it's quite handy.

Later releases will include preferences saving and file selection...

I think it's really useful for testing and debugging programs, you don;t eve need to restart the DS to load...




More discussion:



P.S. this is the readme file:



WIFI file transfer V0.1a


by bafio (buzurro@googlemail.com)


Use it at your own risk!


libraries used:


NDS file based on the wifiexample by Stephen Stair: http://www.akkit.org/

using the prelerease version of his library

© 2005 Stephen Stair


uses the GBA MP Compact Flash Driver by chrism


Copyright © 2005 Michael Chisholm ("Chishm")


Created with DEVKITPRO





This program is composed of two parts, that together allow you to send an

nds file to the DS using WIFI and run it, supposed you have a compatible



This is is a first release, so the functionality is still very





On the server side, you should run the java server, that asks you to specify a

directory to serve to the NDS. Once the directory is selected, there is not much else to do.

You must put in the directory a file named EXACTLY test.nds, file selection on the NDS

is almost there, but I still have to build a user interface for that.




On the DS side, you start the nds file with your preferred method.


You must then connect to an access point, setting no WEP key (the AP must be open at this time),

static IP and dns, the same way you do in



Once connected, you can start the transfer, pressing key A. Instructions are on screen.

You must also set the IP addess of computer running the server (the internal network one)

if the one shown in the transfer page is not correct (it's set by default to the gateway).


Once the file is downloaded, you can start it straight away (I am using the standard GBAMP method,

so it should work if the other loaders do) or go back to the previous menu.

You can also exit from the main menu pressing B.

Edited by bafio
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Posted (edited)


I applaud you for using cross platform code.

I'll try it later when my wifi isn't in use (stupid family).


Now i don't have to endure the whining of my CF writer!

Edited by JaJa

I have uploaded a new release with config file saving, you can see here (I made a simple web page too):





* Fixed file listing (we are getting there)

* New run method in the NDS file (for people using

other than GBAMP, I have no way to test it but you

should notice the option, it's pressing select after

a file download)

* Reads and saves the config file! no need to

enter all the time the settings, if you have

a different config. Goes to a simple text file



Posted (edited)

Grrrr. Doesn't work out of the box on mac x.

Probably need a recompile, so i need to wait for the source.

When i type java -jar server.jar in the console i get:


Jason-Bardeys-Computer:~ jason$ java -jar /Users/jason/Desktop/wifitransfer_02/server.jar

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: wifi/test/UdpServer (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:539)

at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:123)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:251)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:55)

at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:194)

at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:187)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:289)

at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:274)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:235)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:302)


That's with the version 2 or whatever your calling it.

The older version (wifitransfer_old_1) the server loads up and asks me to select a directory, which i assume means its working.

Edited by JaJa
Grrrr. Doesn't work out of the box on mac x.

Probably need a recompile, so i need to wait for the source.


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: wifi/test/UdpServer (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)


Ops, I recompiled it in another computer, forgetting to set java 1.4 compatibility.


But, the source code of the java application is included in the jar file,so you can recompile it. It's the NDS source I have not includedto respect Stephen's good reasons not to release right now.

The java app is really rather simple, and the whole program is not well designed, since it's based on workarounds to problems that will be solved soon (I hope for the TCP socket, working with UDP is quite hard!) so don't judge my skills on that :)


Also, the version 1 of the java app should work with version 2 of nds (I think).

Anyway, I am updating it quite soon with a new feature, and I will remember to set the java 1.4 compatibility...






I have a new version on the server:





Version 0.3a


* ! File selection !


* Auto discovery of the server address

* fixed (hopefully) the issues with the flash

cards not supported by the GBAMP driver

(no writing though, so I don't know how useful)

* Some other small bugfixes and cosmetic changes I can't recall






By the way, I forgot:



BIG BUGFIX in version 0.3 :



Try version 0.3, in version 0.2 I forgot to really set the output packets destination IP, so it was sending to indipendently of the destination IP!!!!

This could have been the case also for other people. Now the server automatic discovery should set the correct IP...




my probmlem is that it stays on the connecting screen that has the moving boxes. i don't know what i should put in the check setting screens.it has a bunch of zeros. Can u tell me what i should put?

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