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"The Xbox 360’s second week on the charts, though, has been even more disappointing than the first, with the console, showing 8,623 units sold, failing to outsell even the GameCube. This is a performance so far in Japan beneath even the low standards of the original Xbox’s launch - in large part thanks to the continued non-appearance of Dead or Alive 4 or any other prominent Japanese-developed titles.


The PlayStation 2 was the third best selling console this week in Japan, with a 8.92 percent market share and 55,342 units sold. The Game Boy Advance family of consoles was next with a 5.48 percent overall share (Game Boy Advance SP: 19,098, Game Boy Micro: 14,432, Game Boy Advance: 416), followed by the GameCube at 2.88 percent and 17,849 units sold. Despite plenty of stock the Xbox 360, as mentioned, could manage only a 1.39 percent market share and 8,623 units sold, beating only the original Xbox on 0.03 percent and 182 units sold."

Read the full article here!


Unfortunately, I can bet that the XBOX 360 is going to fall in the same shoes as the Dreamcast. I don't see a future for the XBOX 360 for some reason. Even with all of Bill Gates money to fuel the process, it's going to be a tough battle. People are forgetting that it's not quantity (graphics), it's quality (gameplay).

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my girlfriend got a gameboy micro, it's friggin' sweet. i think nintendo might start a comeback, i love that company. i hope the nintendo revolution does great, the hip controllers and stuff are sure to get some attention from the ipod crowd. hip looks = hip selling. the micro is hip and revolution could get hipper! hip hip hip hip


You know, a little off-topic, but I was thinking about the Nintendo Revolution Controller. Wouldn't it be awesome to use it with sword fighting / fencing games? I think it'd be perfect.

You know, a little off-topic, but I was thinking about the Nintendo Revolution Controller. Wouldn't it be awesome to use it with sword fighting / fencing games? I think it'd be perfect.



actually that's one of the concepts miyamoto (sp?) was toying with for zelda.


and that company (koei?) that makes dynasty warriors said it's making sword games for the rev.


for all the rumours that surrounded it at first, the amount of support nintendo is getting is amazing.




Also, new Zelda game will be rev compatible because of all the time their taking. It's going to be one hell of a product :)


What's more interesting is that the amount of Nintendo DSes sold was close to 66%! That's more then every other system combined! Truly astounding.


See Nintendo has the power in making non-gamers, actually gamers. Look at their idea with "Nintendogs", what other company would have thought of such a thing? I think Nintendo really has a chance to shine with their Revolution, and I can't wait. :P

See Nintendo has the power in making non-gamers, actually gamers. Look at their idea with "Nintendogs", what other company would have thought of such a thing? I think Nintendo really has a chance to shine with their Revolution, and I can't wait. :D


I've been predicting Nintendo saving the gaming industry ever since Cinder posted that topic about another 80's crash. I'm starting to feel it happen more and more with sh!t like this happening :P.

See Nintendo has the power in making non-gamers, actually gamers. Look at their idea with "Nintendogs", what other company would have thought of such a thing? I think Nintendo really has a chance to shine with their Revolution, and I can't wait. :P

Yeah, Nintendogs is the game that turns girls into gamers.

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