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lol thats kinda funny how the gc batin a 360 but i always like nintendo and im waitin for the revolution. nintendo has never had a prob when they release a system

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Y'know, I actually managed to *cough* "acquire" a 360, and it isn't as impressive as some people make it out to be. The graphics aren't even as good as what my Radeon 9600 allows. Game quality obviously won't be any better than any of the other consoles...I don't see why anyone would buy one of these things.


the reason i want the 360 is for the game called Saints Row that game is gonna be awesome so i really want to play it


probably better that gta

Y'know, I actually managed to *cough* "acquire" a 360, and it isn't as impressive as some people make it out to be.  The graphics aren't even as good as what my Radeon 9600 allows.  Game quality obviously won't be any better than any of the other consoles...I don't see why anyone would buy one of these things.


I was also shocked to see that the graphics were a lot lower than my expectations, despite hardware specs that seemed ridiculously overpowered. Especially seeing Quake 4 on the 360 compared to my 6600GT... its pathetic.


I dont see what the selling point for this now is either. Some damned good games had better come out quicksmart or Microsoft isnt looking in a good position this time round.


PS Rev looks interesting but I stand by my hatred of Nintendo. Zelda, Mario Kart.. all that crap does not interest me in the slightest. Something had better come out for that that grabs my interest otherwise Im willing to write it off as well.


Man, I'm starting to feel like a bum with a sign that reads "the end of the world is coming". Well I'm so happy all my cussing and sh!t magic on the new crapbox worked bahaha. Get yourself a Nintendo Rev or a PS3 and yer good to go. Hell go buy a damn Dreamcast while they still last. You can't compare that crapass crapbox with a king like Dreamcast. My predictions were right haha, this console is gonna fail :P I'm so happy! Best Christmas gift ever haha. This and the fact that Neo Geo Battle Coliseum is at 97% done. w00t w00t w00t w00t!!!11!!!!one!!!eleven!11!


hell im for one am getting a revolution, its got a neat controller, free games to download and the rumored price is 100 bux, a nice addition to my collection or anyone eles for that matter.


The free games is just a rumor. The 100 dollars thing is also a rumor but a bit more substantiated. It will definitely be cheap but maybe not $100 cheap. It would be awesome though.

The free games is just a rumor. The 100 dollars thing is also a rumor but a bit more substantiated. It will definitely be cheap but maybe not $100 cheap. It would be awesome though.



ive heard that too hope it is true then i can get easily


Every system has free games, right? :P I think the Revolution's nunchuck conrtollers might be fun. I'm looking forward to at least trying it out.


wow, long time since ive posted here...


anyways, if the revolution is priced under 200 dollars, not only will it sell big time to players, but also to people who dont even play often, and might think to themselves, o wow, its under 200 dollars, that never happens to a new released system. its like buying a pair of 100 dollar shoes for 20 bucks, it was a huge bargain even if u end up not wearing it haha.


xbox 360 to me was shoved down our throats. i dont think anyone was too excited about it. i dont really feel the need to go get one, unlike the time when ps2 came out or when the dreamcast launched, it was a must have. x360 is just not giving me that urge to go buy it.

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