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  • 1 month later...

Huge fan of GW here, I've been playing it since launch.


Great PVP, great graphics, great missions... and no subscription! I've got 2 lvl 20 characters and my new one is a lvl 14 ele, and even in my 3rd time thru the game I'm still enjoying it :(

  • 1 month later...

Guild Wars is amazing. I showed it to my die-hard WoW friend, (You know how those people get) and he had to admit the graphics are impressive and he liked the combat system. W00t!


I've been thinking about getting this game for about 2-3 weeks now. My friend says theres going to be an event on the 20th for people that don't have the game but want to try a chance to try it... Confusing I know.... but uff I might get it at the end of the month depending on the impresion I get from it.

  • 1 month later...

Ok, hmm, since this is the first thread I found, even though it's a double post (come on it's been a month). But for those who don't know, GW Factions just got released. It's twice as easy to get the skills in this campaign, so you can get straight to the competition after 15 missions.


Btw, the new two classes, kick major ass. Especially sin with it's speedy turbo and shadow tele's.


K'dash, did you get it ;), it's taking up all my time (except ap study), well going to go back and play it!! >.<


I have to get Factions... right... now... ;)


Yes indeed I do.


Name: Orim of the Earth

Type: RPG


If you have room, please invite me to your guild. Mine is dead. :P Last person to logon was 3 months ago...


Well mooney, did you just start playing? I started playing a month ago and just recently (finaly) finished a blood spike. Do you have a mic?


I play off 'n' on. I'm only lvl 8... :P and yes, I have a mic.

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