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Stella v2.0.1 (GP2x) Released


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The Emulation64 Network reports that Alex Zaballa has ported Stella, the Atari 2600 emulator, to the GP2x. Below are the release notes (quoted from The Emulation64 Network).


This is my first port. This is not optimized and a few things could be implemented differently. This port is still in it's early beta phase and needs further work to insure reliability and full functionality. In order to load roms successfully, I am using Selector V0.1 by Kounch © 2005. Both Selector and Stella are covered under the GPL Version 2, June 1991, as is this port. As with all things licensed under the GPL, this software is offered AS-IS with no warranties stated or implied. Use at your own risk. For more information, see gpl.txt included in this package.

There is no official homepage yet, however it is available here and here.

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