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Batman, Superman or Spider-man?  

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which super hero do you think is the best?

for me its a toss up between spider-man and batman.

batman for his dark ever comsuming revenge/pyscopathic tendencies and what one man can achieve with bags of cash and determination :wink:

spider-man with his strong moral code witch he never breaks and he has to learn from his mistakes.


Spider-Man all the way, I always felt the whole thing of Super-Man being supposedly invincible but a little piece of green rock hurts him to be kind of gay, and batman Ill put it the way Conan O'Brian put it once, batman is just a guy in a suit who works out alot


I'd have to go with BatMan. The movies rocked, the comic books rocked and who can forget CAT-WOMAN in Batman 2?!


Not only that the cartoons were really good at the time. I remember my favorite episode was when it was BatMan Vs. BatMan (a clone robot copy). But now they kind of killed the cartoon, I think its now Beyond BatMan or something. :wink: I heard that Bruce Wayne is suppositely 75 in the cartoon.


They kind of killed it now, plus with George Clooney (my least favorite actor), but it was dam good at the time and still a big fan.


looks like no body like superman ha ha ha

(superman said:please mercy give me a hand and shos me please) :wink:


my favorite character has to be batman, then spiderman. superman is my least favorite of the three because i beleive him to be the weakest. no, not because he is weakened by a little green rock. it is because of his "small town" upbringing and how he cant do no wrong. always, whenever he corners a bad guy and is about to teach them a lesson, all they have to do is tell him that they have place a bomb on the bridge located on the other side of the city, and he has only seconds to defuse it. this leaves him no choices but to let the bad guy go, inorder to destroy the bomb. this happens everytime. :wink::lol:


i like batman the most cause he is more like me (minus the loads of cash ofcourse). but hell, if i had that kind of money, i would be doing the exact samething as he. he is the real "super" hero, because he is "super" as a result of his actions alone, not because of some special powers he pocesses. he has worked his butt off to earn the title, SUPER HERO!!! :D


Not only that the cartoons were really good at the time. I remember my favorite episode was when it was BatMan Vs. BatMan (a clone robot copy). But now they kind of killed the cartoon, I think its now Beyond BatMan or something. :lol: I heard that Bruce Wayne is suppositely 75 in the cartoon.


They kind of killed it now, plus with George Clooney (my least favorite actor), but it was dam good at the time and still a big fan.


i think the episode you are thinking about is "heart of steel", which was about that dude that runs the toy company, which gets taken over by this super computer pocessing artificial intellegence. inturn it it gets rid of the owner of the toy company and replaces him with a robot look-alike. it then continues to do the same thing with all the major people in gotham, like commisioner gordon and the mayor, in an attempt to take over the city. its a classic episode and one of my all tme favorites. :D as a matter of fact...i have it in my share on the emulforums hub if you or anyone else is intrested. :( i also have "almost" all the episodes of batman beyond, which is a GREAT cartoon, but sadly got cancelled. they still play it on cartoon network i think. as for the movies, batman and batman returns were the only good ones. all the ones they made after...SUCKED!!! :lol:


The problem he has is the fact that he died and then was "resurected" thus now even when he dies he will never really be killed thus there is no real sense he is risking anything. wait! he is crap isnt he? sod tHis he also wreks the justice league eg


"theres a big monster over there!"

"send in the justice league!"

"batman, you stay there as you are only human, superman hit it really hard"

Superman: "great job team"


bit boring aint it?


but my fav has to be ummm.. SWAMP THING!


Well speaking about who is the best superhero I would have to say Superman. He has much better powers than Spiderman and Batman doesn't even have any superpowers. Therefore by default and by his own name, Superman is the greatest SUPER hero of them all :wink:

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