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I have not yet gotten into psx emulation as I planed on waiting till I upgrade, but I have a few questions:


1.) What would be the minimum (basic) system specs to play psx ISOs at a decent speed?


2.) Is it fairly easy to find the ISO's for popular games (Especially Castlevania: SoN)?


3.) What is a good controller to purchase that would work with both psx, and N64 emulation?


4.) Is espxe still a decent PSX emu, or is there something better now?


Thanks for your input :wink:


1) Pentium 3 450Mhz, 8GB Graphics Card, 128MB of Ram, and a decent sound card.


2) At this moment in time, very easy. If you take a look at the top rom hubs list in the Request a Rom section there are some just for PSX. Now of days you can find just about anyone. However the sizes can get preety big.


3) The best controller is: GamePad Pro. Its about $10 at Circuit City or Best Buy and is basically an exact clone of the PSX controller and a little better. I recommend it for all games.


4) Epsxe is still the best in my opinion. The plugins that are made for it are awesome. And some of them can make the graphics look like DreamCast, so to be honest its still the best. :wink:


Thanks. The size of the ISO's is a BIG problem for me as I have no room on my HD. Maybe all I will have to do is get a bigger HD as my system is still a over all of the specs that you listed. I will also check that controller out...thanks again.

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