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Posted (edited)

I know this is off topic in this forum, but i think this is the best place to ask. I was reading threads regarding the new Last Blade double pack for Ps2 and some people think this is running on a emu being it that its a little slow. I ask this also because i am almost sure Metal Slug 3 (visuals are low res and fuzzy, like a crappy software filter, and it plays way faster than the arcade) for Xbox is running on a Snk coded emu compared to the recent double pack of 4 and 5 which im sure is a port, as is the Ps2 version. What do you guys think? Do you think they use emus on their games(kinda like the Sega did with the smash pack, Segagen)



Quote from gamefaqs


Volume 2 of the Neo-Geo online collection, The Last Blade 1&2, is now available in Japan. Both games are straight ports; nothing has been added, and it appears that SNK Playmore has decided to go the emulation route with these titles, as booting each game up brings up exactly what you'd get on the Neo-Geo, "Max 330 Mega/Giga Power" boot screen and all.

Edited by lawnspic

It's a guarantee. It would cost far too much for them to port, at least when you're a company that milks the sh!t out of everything.

Posted (edited)

well that's bulsh_t, if it is its a crappy one at best, if i want real emulation i will use Fbaxxxpro, Mamedox/128plus ect. Confirm this crap please then send the source code to those guys. Its funny how a professional team of programers cant code an emu like the people in the scene who put alot of effort into these projects and dont get paid. when i get a hold on this you can bet i have Isobuster in my future to see whats going on

Edited by lawnspic

well for metal slug 3 sake they did port that and the reason why it plays faster is due to it not having the slowdown the arcade/home neogeo versions have, tho they did screw up the continue thing.


but this isn't something new as many 3rd parties are doing the same like take for example capcom with their mega man anniversary (1-8 one) where the nes versions were known for the slowdowns and they are gone in the anniversary pack.


metal slug 4/5 along with the others (kof's,svc) came out great tho and this month we got a few more with samurai shodown v (story finally in english :naughty: ) along with kof94 rebout and neowave which should come out well.


i got the last blade 1+2 for ps2 and i can tell that it runs perfectly as far as i played it.


ok i got the game and i will take back what i said, because i think this has to be a port. there is no way with ps2's limited ram this game plays as well as it does. the max gear thing at the opening is strange, never saw that on other ports. maybe just a recreation of arcade for detail. anyway it plays well cant complain. but just for the record these roms running on Fbaxxx pro destroy this version


ps2 hardware can run any neogeo game just fine if done right, its ps1 that was very limited. i mean seriously, its a system that can run guilty gear and sf3 perfectly and you gonna tell me it can't run a neogeo game perfectly? :P


been noticing posts blaming the ps2 but thats just wrong cuz other neogeo games have came out well other then some minor loading time probs with a few of them (samsho5 and neogeo battle stick out the most on that).


fba-xxx is definitley better since you get the true arcade/home versions based on neogeo but ports tend to have extra characters that make it worth to get.

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