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Anyone know why this was nuked?

I know its 3 years old but i just found it on usernet and im d/ling it now..






KawaX All Romset Collection


Cracker.......: ProjectG RLS Date......: 2oo3/o7/3o

Supplier......: a****** Game Genre....: Emulation

Packager......: ProjectG Image Format..:.ISO

Source........: [ ] CD [O] DVD Origin........: NTSC/PAL

File Name.....: g-kawax.part01.rar

Files.........: 50 X 56

Platform......: Xbox Ripped........: Nothing




Game Information..


Now, we can perfectly play CPS1 and CPS2 games on XBOX.



=========== transcribe a passage from a ReadMe File =============


There's the following goodies waiting inside :

- CPS1, CPS2, NeoGeo support (doh)

- Plenty of nice eye candy video filters (more about that later)

- Redefinable controls (including handy macros like keys to do 3

punches, etc)

- Can save screenshots

- Savestates (8 slots per game)

- You can play NeoGeo games either in arcade mode or in console


- You can switch region (language settings) for every supported

CPS2 game. For example, that means you can play the normally

japanese only Mighty Pang in english if you want...


you do know that set and emu is out of date right? you're better off getting fba-xxx/pro as it offers more games and options along with it using the latest romsets


thanks i look for fba-xxx/pro..


i found out why they nuked it bad neogeo.zip was added.

Using c-xbox to extract and fix it..



Prican25 do you still post to usernet? I remember a few years back i got some cool stuff you posted..


thx 8)

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