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X-Arcade officially says: "Dump MAME32, get MAME32plus!"


With the new versions of MAME32™ 0.100 and up, the controller config files including the one for X-Arcade™ have been removed! In a forum post on the MAME32™ forum, John Hardy IV (JohnIV_Mame32QA) said "Inclusion was seen as implicit endorsement of said products and free advertisement, so they're all gone. Each company should be responsible for providing them."


Strange that they have made this decision considering that MAME™ itself has not removed them.


We are now including the X-Arcade™ config file for download, but we would recommend using the much better MAME32™ Plus! which still includes this and has other great options that MAME32™ does not.


»» Read The MAME32™ Forum Post & Chime In

Here are pictures of the joystick configuration area for MAME32 0.103 and MAME32 Plus 0.103u3!


... MAME32 0.103 ............. MAME32 Plus 0.103u3 ...

mame321037fd7mf.th.png | mame32plus7rh5yn.th.png


What are your thoughts about this? Reply here if you're registered!


for some odd reason, i just think they're whack. who the hell cares about advertisment anywho? Emulation is supposed to be an obscure niche, how the hell is it an advertisment?

on that grounds, making a program that uses a mouse is some kind of advertisment for mouse vendors... same with keyboards.




I really hadn't noticed seeing as my MAME still recognizes my X-arcade stick. But then again, I think I'm using 0.97 or so. I will probably just get MAME32 plus now that I'm reminded I need to upgrade.


i really think thats sad and unfortunate for what has occured with MAME32. i'll continue to use my older versions. But i guess i can give MAME Plus a go.


Mame32 v0.100 and up can still use those controllers. All they did was not include the said files which are easy added.



Mame32 v0.100 and up can still use those controllers. All they did was not include the said files which are easy added.



I think the entire point of this article was to show that it no longer already comes with it, but they expect you to download it separately from the company's website.


Yes those files could be easily obtained but this

article is pointing out the strange reasoning behind

NOT including the files. Weird morality gone mad!


Theres no strange reasoning, I would have scrapped it long ago. It IS free advertisement, as you CANNOT tell me without lying that after using MAME for the first time (The "first" time being the first time you actually messed with the config there) that you didn't become interested in finding out what these controllers were.

I was and went on a search to find them, and sure enough came across these commercial products.

Theres nothing wrong with removing them, and I'm surprised they didn't do it a long ass time ago. X-Arcade getting all pissy because they've been removed? Those f**ckers make a crap quality product for starters, secondly maybe they should not be so spiteful and maybe PAY for some inclusion/advertising. Make a damn donation to the MAME team with some cash or free products. They make enough money off their disgustingly overpriced garbage controllers as-is.


Or at the very least saying "Thanks for the free advertisement. Guess we'll have to provide our customers with a config now". Instead they pull a cry-baby fit because they know damn well that most of their sales would never have happened without curious users of MAME searching out this controller they've never heard of thats in the MAME config.


What this is, is nothing but low-ball crybaby biatch whining on their part. I now outright boycott X-Arcade.

Theres no strange reasoning, I would have scrapped it long ago. It IS free advertisement, as you CANNOT tell me without lying that after using MAME for the first time (The "first" time being the first time you actually messed with the config there) that you didn't become interested in finding out what these controllers were. I was and went on a search to find them, and sure enough came across these commercial products.

Oh boy, have you ever seen the Game Controllers configuration window in your Windows Control Panel or in Video Games?




Call it free advertisement, or whatever you wish, but the main point is that it's supposed to be a luxury and make things for the end user easier without having to find the driver all over the internet.


X-Arcade getting all pissy because they've been removed? Those f**ckers make a crap quality product for starters,  secondly maybe they should not be so spiteful and maybe PAY for some inclusion/advertising.

They actually do pay for advertising on other gaming related emulation websites. I know this for a fact and with their affiliate banner program shown all over gaming and fighting websites, there is no need. I don't think they are pissed, but more dissatisfied that now they have to tell their consumers to download a new emulator instead, or moreover, the config file on their website.


Make a damn donation to the MAME team with some cash or free products.

I agree that the MAME team deserves a lot of of donations and appreciation for all their work these countless years. We should maybe have a donation drive or something? :-)


They make enough money off their disgustingly overpriced garbage controllers as-is.

Here's the common mistake people make about professional arcade products. They are NOT trying to make the product affordable for the average consumer. If that were there intention, they'd invest in cheaper parts and sell the controller (Single or Duo) under $60. Some companies have done this and their products always have failed in low quality garbage. I've spoken to the former owner of Ultracade on countless occassions and asked them why can't make an arcade product less than a $1,000 dollars. Simply put, they'd rather use higher quality products and sell a machine worth buying. It's worked for them very well with Arcade Businesses buying their products more and more and even movie star's purchasing it. Infact, I even saw a picture of Carmen Electra playing with an Ultracade machine. Now, there is a big difference to an Ultracade machine and an X-Arcade. But still, the same idea exists. I've had the privelege to test out the X-Arcade on display and it is seriously indestructible with very high quality parts. I've never seen one negative review on the X-Arcade itself, seems to me, you have never even tried or even bought the produt?


Or at the very least saying "Thanks for the free advertisement. Guess we'll have to provide our customers with a config now". Instead they pull a cry-baby fit because they know damn well that most of their sales would never have happened without curious users of MAME searching out this controller they've never heard of thats in the MAME config.

I'd highly doubt they even got more than 5% to 10% (I'm being nice) for the name of their controller in the config. There are advertisements for the X-Arcade on many mame and arcade websites which has been the ultimate reason for their product popularity IMHO and also for its positive reviews.


What this is, is nothing but low-ball crybaby biatch whining on their part. I now outright boycott X-Arcade.

Well, whatever, boycott them all you want. :clapping: I'm not siding with X-Arcade either since my relations with them have sucked. But, I think it's unjustified to insult a company for a good product they sell just because of its price. If you can't buy it, don't whine about it.


And as for the MAME32 team, I could care less what they do with their emulator. It's their ultimate choice in what they want to do and I'll continue to download it no matter what. :punk:


Now it's time for a midnight snack and a movie....


Sounds like the MAME32 team is going to start asking for $$ to add controller configs...

I think the entire point of this article was to show that it no longer already comes with it, but they expect you to download it separately from the company's website.



I never knew it was missing since I have alweys had the files.

But anyway its no big issue for me.

You can still get the files from the offical mame or Mame plus.



Now do not forget kids Mame32, Mame Plus Mame32FX etc is only a GUI add on. Without the mame core ( The emulator ) the GUI would be useless.



Sounds like the MAME32 team is going to start asking for $$ to add controller configs...


I doubt that to be honest.


And as for the MAME32 team, I could care less what they do with their emulator. It's their ultimate choice in what they want to do and I'll continue to download it no matter what. :-)




Iike I said just above in red Mame32 is only a GUI add on ( Frontend ) without Mame the emu the GUI would be useless :clapping:



Yes those files could be easily obtained but this

article is pointing out the strange reasoning behind

NOT including the files. Weird morality gone mad!


Yes I sort of uderstood that, But I am just going to ignore it.

I have a few of my real life problems to worry about.

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