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We need something to get into gaming :twisted:


My first game was King of the mountain for Atari. I liked it a lot because u run around like an idiot collecting stuff and the spider was always fun.


Im forever proud to admit it was Space Invaders, on the first weekend after units arrived at Cleethorpes golden mile. It was an amazing sight, Over 1 mile of arcades filled with Space Invaders cabs (and Fruitys).


Tetris on the oldest Game Boy model, yes i know.. Im too young :shock::lol:

  When I was about 6 years old, my dead got me an old 386, with "the amazing spiderman".


OMG, I remember playing that too. Although the controls stunk and it was so hard from getting place to place, it was dam good!


But, my first ever game was: Commander Keen, I remember playing that for hours and hours. Other games I remember playing:


1. Cosmo Cosmo Cosmic Adventures

2. Wolfenstein 3D

3. Commanche

4. Jet Fighter II


to tell you the truth i don´t even know how it was called if it had a name

it was a portable videogame similar to gameboy with no cartridges the screen was horizontally divided in two and afetr a stage on the liwer oart you played the upper one i think. I don´t remember well how it was or my age but i am positive i was younger than 6,

4 maybe?


I remember playing either Pong, or a Pong bootleg game at a relatives wedding when I was like 5 years old. The first Home game I played was a self-contained (no cartridriges) Magnovox (?) unit that had three games to choose from. Pong, a Race game, and shoot the block type game. Very hi-tech eh?


my first game was doctor. :D i used to play it with all the girls in my kindergarden class at the catholic school that i attended. awwwww...the memories. the kissing...the hugging...the touching...the feeling...the getting beaten by the nuns when they caught us. :lol: yep...those were the days. :lol:


OH WAIT!! :shock: you were talking about video games?? oh, i see. whoops...ive said to much. now isnt my face red. :( hehe. *ME! struggles to quickly think of an answer* ummm....i'll go with Asteroids. :D

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