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i've been online for years and i've never really used a firewall (except peer guardian for like a week) and i haven't had any problems.

no violations, no attacks, nothing of the sort.



now that i have dsl, i think things are a little different...

i'm guessing i DO need a firewall right?


well, what's the best firewall around (free or pay) and will it be lightweight or resource hungry?



(this is one of the reasons i had perferren pc cillin internet security in the virus scanners topic)


Yes, you really DO need a firewall. I don't really know any free software firewall programs... and I shun away from ZoneAlarm.


I use BitDefender Professional myself and it's a firewall - virus scanner combo.


In the scene, people have different opinions about a desktop firewall. Recently there was a exploit published, to connect to any server without ZoneAlarm ringing.

I cant use ZoneAlarm on my comp as it causes my comp to reset when it is installed. I am using Kerio Personal firewall, which has the advantage of banner blocking and ICS capabilities.

As with any other Desktop Firewall, it may not really secure your system from real hackers, but it gives enough protection from script kiddies and programs calling home


I've been using ZoneAlarm, and while it has stopped a sh!tload of intrusions, it's not without its problems either. Particularly its habit of modifying javascript, and blocking certain cookies - even when you tell it not to. For example havoc forum and zone alarm do not get on at all.

I was going to recommend SPF until I remembered they were bought out by symantec  :(


With that I would second the vote for Kerio, as that's the best free option now.


bought out or not, if it's the best, then i'm using it.


will it give me a headache by any chance?



(and for the record, i have xp2's firewall enabled, if that's worth anything)


one way or another, I believe it's a really good idea that you have one


whether software- or hardware-based


I don't use xp's firewall especially since I have the stupid security center disabled.


One of the best I've ever used. Sygate Personal Firewall. Good enough I shelled out cash for it.

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