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How do i run the Server app(wifiserver.jar)

i have java installed.

what shall i start in the java folder?



please help me! and want to test the server app!



P.S. can i run this server on my domain(ill buy www.oehr-gmbh.de if this is possible)




EDIT: I ran it now with Java 2 Platform Standart Edition, but nothing happend. It seems something load, but then, nothing...

Edited by Öhr GmbH
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I did it doesn't seem to read from the firmware. If it does then what do I need to do to instruct it to read from the firmware, because if it was already doing this then it would be connecting.

It does automatically always read from the firmware. Can you run win2DS? Otherwise there is some other problem. Beleive me if I tell something. Otherwise go figure it out yourself.



How do i run the Server app(wifiserver.jar)

i have java installed.

what shall i start in the java folder?



please help me! and want to test the server app!



P.S. can i run this server on my domain(ill buy www.oehr-gmbh.de if this is possible)




EDIT: I ran it now with Java 2 Platform Standart Edition, but nothing happend. It seems something load, but then, nothing...


Hi, I have added some (small) instructions on the website.

Basically, forward port 9999 to the computer running it (UDP). Open a command prompt and run java -jar chatserver.jar

also try to download the latest version. You don't need to use ftp etc, if it does not work in may have to do with network setup (like, to conencto to my server I have to use the internal nw address (192.168.....) instead of the public one, but people from outside can conenct to the public ip.




im getting this error if i enter "java -jar chatserver.jar" in the "cmd"-window:

Unable to access jarfile chatserver.jar

or where should i enter the "java -jar chatserver.jar"? where have to be the chatserver.jar?


sorry but i didnt use java and im from germany, i dont undestand this: command prompt

Yes, yes it is.


Hi, try to type in the address:


If this works the problem could be the DNS server not set correctly. If hat doesn't work, it can be the IP configurationor something else. Can you connect with the other wifi programs?



Still does not work :peopleseybrow:


I can run Win2DS fine, FYI.

w00t i cant connect to the standart server anymore, too!



here is a little bit of troubleshooting for the connection. The next version of the wifi library should make things much easyer, but until then things are a bit complicated:


Quick version: if you have a SD device, or any device not supported by Chrism's library, please enter your settings in the Firmware (like using MarioKart) and make sude that the are ALL set manually, manual IP, gateway, DNS, etc... as you would do in wifi transfer. If you run into problems, this is the safest way to get this working.


Why: in the last version of wifi transfer I was using a modification of Chrism's library that was working on some more SD devices.

Since the last update of the officila library fixed some serious bugs, I went back to the original version. This explains why with wifi transfer these devices (I guess supercard SD) are supported, so you can read and write the configuration file, but with wifi chat they are not.

That means that wifichat actually can't read the config that wifitransfer has created. I'll se for the next release to update, maybe using the FAT library modifications from moonshell.


In any case, the safest way if using firmware settings, this makes possible to run the program from flash cards and WMB too, since it does not depend on any particular card/hardware.

Remember: you DO NEED to set all the different information ( IP address, gateway, DNS, subnet mask) manually. Also, WEP is not supported.

I hope this helps!





Im using my modified NWIFIC with my DS.

DS -> NWIFIC -> Networkbridge -> Lan Network -> Router -> Internet

the IP of my NWIFIC was wrong -> cant connect anymore.

now it works! YAY!


Bafio, cant u help me now with the chatserver.jar?

im getting this error if i enter "java -jar chatserver.jar" in the "cmd"-window:

Unable to access jarfile chatserver.jar

or where should i enter the "java -jar chatserver.jar"? where have to be the chatserver.jar?


sorry but i didnt use java and im from germany, i dont undestand this: command prompt


briefly: you should run the that command after changing to the directory where the jar file is. Once you manage to start it, you should forward port 9999UDP to the machine running it and open the firewall for that port.

I'm sorry but as I say in the website, I don't want to go too much in these details because running the chat server requires some expirience, and the server itself is still under development.


I hope this helps,



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