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Copyright 2006 Derrick (sypherce) Wirth





1. Copy DS2Key.nds or DS2Key.ds.gba to your flash card.

2. Start DS2Key as you would the official wifi test application.

3. Execute DS2Key.exe.

4. Right click the newly appeared icon in the system tray and click

Dis\Connect to connect.

5. Modify settings as needed (winamp & key codes are in Codes.txt).





(01.26.06) 0.21

PC Side:

1. Replaced buttons on Gui with a right click menu on the tray icon.

2. Fix all settings in options menu so they apply immidietly.

3. Connecting is no longer initiated by opening the options menu,

use the Dis\Connect Menu command to connect or disconnect.

4. Winamp support is installed, refer to Codes.txt for settings, or

the winamp.ini for the default setup.

5. Windows now move around properly, a few improper situations still.

6. ::BUG:: Closing the options menu before saving will revert changes

instantly --- this will be fixed when profiles are implemented,

hopefully next version.


(01.24.06) 0.2

DS Side:

Light switch should function correctly now.

PC Side:

Developed a GUI, reads from DS2Key.ini. Currently Buggy.


(01.19.06) 0.11

Fixed bug where light would be off by default manually booting with a *me.


(01.17.06) 0.1

First Release



Whats Next (Estimated)


(0.2*) Bugfixes. Mabey Key Capturing.


(0.3) Prettyer GUI Interface. Mouse support for buttons and touch screen.

I'll be releasing source code(hopefully).







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Posted (edited)



This post has been reopened for bugs, suggestions, and problems. Also I would like to remind you, that you can also post new threads in the DS2Key Forum.


On suggestions, I've already implemented a automatic Key Setup, and profiles in an unreleased version. Also in the unreleased version the Server no longer needs the PC IP or the DS IP to be entered manually.


I would like your input on which feature we need first. Mouse support, or Multi DS's per server.

Edited by sypherce
Posted (edited)
  sypherce said:
I would like your input on which feature we need first. Mouse support, or Multi DS's per server.




But jokes aside, how long do you think implementing each would take? Just pick the one you think would be faster to do so you can release the next version as soon as possible.



But if you want to know what I'd really like to see next, it's mouse support.

Edited by Puppet
  Puppet said:
  sypherce said:
I would like your input on which feature we need first. Mouse support, or Multi DS's per server.




But jokes aside, how long do you think implementing each would take? Just pick the one you think would be faster to do so you can release the next version as soon as possible.



But if you want to know what I'd really like to see next, it's mouse support.


Actually, making mouse support (If you meant using with the buttons) for DS2Key SS, was pretty easy. But if you're talking about the touch screen, then I have no idea.

Afaik, Multiple DS's is already supported?


PS: Keep updating, Sypherce! :clapping:


Nice work sypherce. Was just wondering how I would get this working using a Software AP. Its a bit confusing and im anxious to try this out. Thanks for any help and for this awsome program.


It will be easy with automatic detection, all you need to set is the DS IP and the PC IP with the same three Numbers ( for example on both 192.168.1.x). even without automatic detection it's not that difficult. Btw. there's no real difference (leave signal strength and things like that out) between a SoftAP and Hardware AP.

  Mikey242 said:
Ok, thanks ngx.  I gave it a try, but it seems that whenever I change the destination ip to my pc's ip it dosent reister any input (DS).


Then it's likely that the data doesn't go to the right destination.

On the DS side you need to input a IP for the DS and for the connection

to the router/SoftAP.

Then if you are connected to the router and in the menu for the

UDP Test app (Sorry I can't look up the right titles right now),

there you need to change the ip to your pc's IP.


Be sure that the DS IP isn't already in use,

and that the Dest. IP is the right one.

If you have specified a WEP for the router/SoftAP then it won't

work, that's beacause WEP doesn't work for now (The app will

tell you that the connection was successfull, but it won't work).


BTW, there is already a thread for questions in this forum, so if it

still doesn#t work ask there.

  • 1 month later...
  kaptainkid said:
dosnt the ds2key make it so that u can like borrow ppls access points from like across the street?


Don't be confused with something like that. DS2Key has a built in Wardriving program.

With that you can find ap's, but you can only find them, that's what you can do with every wifi card for a pc.

The many purpose of ds2key is still using the ds as gamepad for pc.

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