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when you get into xbins, go to xbox, apps, emulators, arcade, fba-xxx, and theres a folder to get fba-xxx pro.


i'm guessing you meant dvd2xbox 7.4 and thats in xbox, apps, file managers

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Is it possible to make Diagnostics/Service Mode shortcuts mappable? Whenever I access the diagnostics mode using the shortcut in a NeoGeo game, it usually brings me to the Hardware Test immediately, and I can't get out of it without resetting the ROM.

Is it possible to make Diagnostics/Service Mode shortcuts mappable? Whenever I access the diagnostics mode using the shortcut in a NeoGeo game, it usually brings me to the Hardware Test immediately, and I can't get out of it without resetting the ROM.

Why would re-mapping the shortcut make a difference to that?

Is it possible to make Diagnostics/Service Mode shortcuts mappable? Whenever I access the diagnostics mode using the shortcut in a NeoGeo game, it usually brings me to the Hardware Test immediately, and I can't get out of it without resetting the ROM.

Why would re-mapping the shortcut make a difference to that?


The white (or black, doesn't make a difference) button triggers multiple buttons including A, which basically presses A an extra time after the mode is opened, kicking it immediately into the Hardware Test.)


Hey!! looks pretty good this FBA, congratulations for this work man.


Maybe some bootlegs will change as I got CRC's of the real ms5boot 68K ROMs and text ROM as well as real encrypted p1 for ms4plus, I will finish some details and then post the info.


Keep the good work.

See ya!!!! :peopleseybrow:

Posted (edited)
Maybe some bootlegs will change as I got CRC's of the real ms5boot 68K ROMs and text ROM as well as real encrypted p1 for ms4plus, I will finish some details and then post the info.

That would be awesome. Thanks FerchogtX. It's great to see you here. :peopleseybrow:


I'm already implementing some of the changes you posted over at the RS forum. If possible could you please post the descrambling code for the new ms4plus P1?



Edited by + T +
static void ms4plus_descramble()
unsigned int sec[16]={
 0x08, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x0a, 0x01, 0x0e, 0x02,
 0x0d, 0x05, 0x09, 0x0f, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x07, 0x00

unsigned char *dst = (unsigned char*)malloc(0x100000);

if (dst)
 memcpy(dst, Neo68KROM, 0x100000);

 for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
	 memcpy(Neo68KROM + i * 0x10000, dst + sec[i] * 0x10000, 0x10000);



for new ms5boot you should use this init if your src is based on fba plus!

static int ms5bootInit()
int nRet;

nNeoTextROMFixType = 2;

nRet = NeoInit();
if (nRet == 0) {
 SekMapHandler(5,	0x2ffff0, 0x2fffff, SM_WRITE);
 SekSetWriteWordHandler(5, ms5bootWriteWordBankswitch);

return nRet;

if not you should use your decryption routines as you handle them, but the bankswitch handler should be the same as old mslug5bwrotewordbankswitch.

See ya!!!! :peopleseybrow:


One question I would like to ask. Are the M1D ROMs that FBA Plus uses for svc, samsho5, and samsh5sp more recent and correct than the ones from JB'S DATs?


I've got a couple of bugs that I think have been asked about before but I can't remember for sure. Anyway, someone was asking me if it was possible for these 2 bugs to be fixed...


First, when you select X-Arcade as your controller type and configure the button the emulator doesn't save the configuration. You apparently have to configure the controller options each time you play.


Second, the dip swtiches in Magic Sword (CPS1 game) don't work. Changing the switches through the emulator menu has no effect. If you try to change them by activating the Diagnostic Mode and selecting the Dip Switches option from the -in-game menu you can't actually navigate the screen to change anything... all you can do is look at the settings and exit back out.


Also, does FBAXXX have the ability to save hi-scores, or would that have to be accomplished by using save states?

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