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i want to make svcchaos work with kawaks 1.48dev

i have the correct rom set (svcchaos.zip) with the correct CRCs

(i checked with winkawaks audit)

but the energy bar and all the other bars look messed up.

(see screenshot)

what should i do?


i used a patch to get v1d and v2d


this is te patch




could that be causing the glitches?


Oh, you already posted a thread. Should have read first before replying to your PM. :unsure:


Where's the screenshot?


the patch shouldn't be causing glitches, else you wouldn't be able to play (different crc's)


just get the MAME set :unsure:


That emu is known to use bad roms.

If you like kawaks so much then I suggest you wait until its offically supported in kawaks. Since it is already supported in Mame now.


I would try this for myself, but I'm missing the p1.


Here are the roms required by kawaks 1.48 dev


33554432 1b608f9c 269-c1.bin

33554432 5a95f294 269-c2.bin

131072 7d337756 269-m1.bin

131072 fd4f0ff9 269-m1d.bin

8388608 432cfdfc 269-p1.bin

8388608 c659b34c 269-v1.bin

8388608 a81da99a 269-v1d.bin

8388608 dd903835 269-v2.bin

8388608 a8dd6446 269-v2d.bin



not sure why it needs decrypted and encrypted v's

just shows what a bodgy emu it is.


edit: i went for a search for 269-p1 without luck, however everyone says its a 32mb rom, but as you can see, the dat says its an 8mb rom. Another mystery.

I would try this for myself, but I'm missing the p1.


Here are the roms required by kawaks 1.48 dev


33554432 1b608f9c 269-c1.bin

33554432 5a95f294 269-c2.bin

  131072 7d337756 269-m1.bin

  131072 fd4f0ff9 269-m1d.bin

8388608 432cfdfc 269-p1.bin

8388608 c659b34c 269-v1.bin

8388608 a81da99a 269-v1d.bin

8388608 dd903835 269-v2.bin

8388608 a8dd6446 269-v2d.bin



not sure why it needs decrypted and encrypted v's

just shows what a bodgy emu it is.


edit: i went for a search for 269-p1 without luck, however everyone says its a 32mb rom, but as you can see, the dat says its an 8mb rom. Another mystery.



Its the same P rom that Mame uses now for svcpcb :huh: I have that rom by the way :P


Also sometime ago there was no code to decrypt the V roms so when it loaded the roms it also loaded the decrypted and encrypted V roms. Mame did the same thing.


The code to decrypt the V roms is rather new. It was not known when Kawaks DEV was created.

There is hope that someone will work out how to decrypt the M rom properly then there will be no need for the decrypted M rom.

As you can see with the code below the encrypted and decrypted M roms are loaded, It was the same for the V roms not all that long ago.



ROM_START( svcpcb ) /* Encrypted Set, JAMMA PCB */
ROM_REGION( 0x2000000, REGION_CPU1, 0 )
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "269-p1.bin", 0x000000, 0x2000000, CRC(432cfdfc) SHA1(19b40d32188a8bace6d2d570c6cf3d2f1e31e379) )

ROM_REGION( 0x80000, REGION_GFX1, 0 ) /* larger char set */
ROM_FILL( 0x000000, 0x80000, 0 )
ROM_REGION( 0x20000, REGION_GFX2, 0 )
ROM_LOAD( "sfix.sfx", 0x000000, 0x20000, CRC(354029fc) SHA1(4ae4bf23b4c2acff875775d4cbff5583893ce2a1) )

ROM_REGION16_BE( 0x80000, REGION_USER1, 0 )
/* this contains both an ASIA and JAPAN bios, HARDDIP3 on the PCB selects which to use */
ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "269-bios.bin", 0x00000, 0x80000, CRC(b4590283) SHA1(47047ed5b6062babc0a0bebcc30e4b3f021e115a) )

ROM_REGION( 0x90000, REGION_CPU2, 0 )
/* Encrypted */
ROM_LOAD( "269-m1.bin", 0x00000, 0x20000, CRC(7d337756) SHA1(205b8b5be7acc8d564fe17835795f25b13c27d7a) )
/* Decrypted */
ROM_LOAD( "269-m1_decrypted.bin", 0x00000, 0x20000, CRC(447b3123) SHA1(a09adc2c0ee2ee0f01287ceb97474a1a58093bd2) )
ROM_RELOAD( 0x10000, 0x20000 )

ROM_REGION( 0x10000, REGION_GFX4, 0 )
ROM_LOAD( "000-lo.lo", 0x00000, 0x10000, CRC(e09e253c) SHA1(2b1c719531dac9bb503f22644e6e4236b91e7cfc) )

ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, REGION_SOUND1, 0 )
/* Encrypted */
ROM_LOAD( "269-v1.bin", 0x000000, 0x800000, CRC(c659b34c) SHA1(1931e8111ef43946f68699f8707334c96f753a1e) )
ROM_LOAD( "269-v2.bin", 0x800000, 0x800000, CRC(dd903835) SHA1(e58d38950a7a8697bb22a1cc7a371ae6664ae8f9) )

ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, REGION_GFX3, 0 )
/* Encrypted */
ROM_LOAD( "269-c1.bin", 0x0000000, 0x2000000, CRC(1b608f9c) SHA1(4e70ad182da2ca18815bd3936efb04a06ebce01e) ) /* Plane 0,1 */
ROM_LOAD( "269-c2.bin", 0x2000000, 0x2000000, CRC(5a95f294) SHA1(6123cc7b20b494076185d27c2ffea910e124b195) ) /* Plane 0,1 */


i have a 32Mb 269-p1.bin but the crc is 432cfdfc(is it possible? :P )

i got my romset from some japanese(or maybe chinese)site.it

came as "svcpcbj.zip" but it had the correct CRCs for all the roms.

i had to painstankingly collect the other roms with the correct CRCs

(took me a month).


Yes, it is possible and very much correct for the 'official' set if you ask me.

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