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I've been beside myself with frustration trying to get this Disc to work on my computer (which reads, but isn't reading as a game), but well, it just isn't happening. I matched the Japanese Bios with the Japanese Regional settings and I'm still getting the error "ClockChange 320 Requested" on my Satourne emulator.


If anyone knows of a better emulator or how to set up Satourne, please help me. I'm banging my head against the wall here. :unsure:


Well, I switched to SSF, and managed to get the thing to enter CD-player mode, but still no sign of the CD loading yet. What kind of settings do you use for SSF?


You need to set the region coded coded into the image to match the region of the console... or vice versa. The conosle region is set to Japan by default, IIRC.


There is a tool called Satconv that can change the region in Saturn CD images.

i also like NiGHTS but i cant find it :P ISOPLZZOMG!! heh

I have it lolol


The game is great and the soundtrack too.


Welp, I got it working and it is JAWSOME. Although between the two versions (ST-V Arcade, and Saturn Mode), I'd say I like Saturn mode because you can save your Weapon Level up progress and do more damage. Arcade is good for practice though.


The speed of the game is fair, it tends to slow down only when a lot of stuff is going on at once, and especially this seems to effect sound. Like for instance if I'm doing a Radar Laser sweep to look for Merries while doing quick swipes with the Radiant Silversword and find a Merry, the sound effect you're supposed to get doesn't load properly or sounds warped. This is also true when a boss fires off a large cannon and I"m shooting back and sometimes the sound gets cut off and doesn't load.


Other than that, this is a pretty sweet emulator, if only it had an option to turn off my pc's screensave so that it didn't kick in after long sessions (I use a controller USB adapter).


Another thing that's bugging me though, in Saturn Mode the in-game dialogue doesn't load at all, the movies play fine though.

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