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While SFA3 is a classic (that just one a psp spot in my school during lunch, about 10 kids just playing sfa3 in a little corner). DS is bringing in new games to the market. I'm pretty sure a mom looking for a fun present for her son would rather get the cheap DS and a Nintendogs then a $250 PSP with SFA3 (which has violence).

Right, all it has now is it's vast array of original and innovative games...


Such as..? At this point in my life I know what I like, and pet sims along with other quirky games arent something Im even going to waste my time with.


Personally Id rather have a system that can handle proven games that I wouldnt mind playing for yet another 10 years, rather than new *original* experimental crap that has nothing going for it apart from the fact that its experimental and different.


Sorry DS.. I gave you a chance and you disappointed me. PSP ftw so to speak.


So far there's Warioware Touched, Meteos, Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center, Castlevania, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Advance Wars DS, Kirby: Canvas Curse, Mario 64 DS, Animal Crossing DS, and Mario Kart DS. The new Metroid game looks awesome. I've seen videos of the multiplayer and it's like a PC multiplayer which is awesome. I'm excited for Brain Training (or whatever the US name is now) and the new Mario side scroller. The new Guilty Gear is intriguing but I don't know how it will turn out.


But that's just me.


To stay on topic, this DS Max thing is too damn expensive.


Ah my bad I forgot there was that Castlevania there. But I agree the Guilty Gear looks iffy for now, and again Id go PSP for XX#R if I were going to do either.


I actually dont think that gadget is too expensive, considering the PSP itself hasnt dropped in price since its release. For DS owners I think shelling out that much for those capabilities is plenty justified.


Well, I personaly buy a handheld to play new and interesting games.


Not to own yet another copy of games I already own...


I have Guilty Gear XX reload, I have Tales of Eternia (Destiny II), I have Street Fight Alpha 3...


Since when does a title that has like 8 different ports have any bearing on how good a system is? I'm sure the other 7 systems it's on are good ports too!

Since when does a title that has like 8 different ports have any bearing on how good a system is? I'm sure the other 7 systems it's on are good ports too!


Actually out of the ports it does have I dont have any... Same for GGXX#R which had a really short print run here.


And where does this assumption that 'new and interesting games' make the platform so great come from? If you really think about it, most arent new or interesting at all going from the names given back there. They seem to me to be just spins of existing games / genres with a novelty involving a second screen or a stylus attached.


All of which is besides the point seeing as a comment suggesting a system is superior becauls of cool looks and a single game should be taken lightly. Too bad the sarcasm doesnt convey here very well.


Bottom line is out of all those fantastic games Im not interested in a single one of them. If something at all were going to possess me to buy a hand held system at all- currently I own neither and dont plan to in the near future- it would be one of the few games I still enjoy playing at all now getting a perfect port. If I wanted to try something new and interesting Id go get a DDR mat and play Tekken with it.

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